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Socially Responsible Investing in Good and Bad Times
The Review of Financial Studies ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-18 , DOI: 10.1093/rfs/hhab072
Ravi Bansal 1 , Di (Andrew) Wu 2 , Amir Yaron 3

We investigate the time variability of abnormal returns from socially responsible investing (SRI). Using portfolio regressions and event studies on multiple data sources, including analyst ratings, rm announcements, and realized incidents, we nd that highly rated SRI stocks outperform lowly rated SRI stocks during good economic times, for example, periods with high market valuations or aggregate consumption, but underperform during bad times, such as recessions. This variation in abnormal returns of high-SR stocks vis-à-vis low SR stocks is consistent with a wealth-dependent investor preference for SR stocks that leads to an increased (decreased) demand for SRI during good (bad) times.



我们调查了社会责任投资 (SRI) 异常回报的时间可变性。使用对多个数据源(包括分析师评级、公司公告和已实现事件)的投资组合回归和事件研究,我们发现在经济良好时期,例如市场估值高或总消费高的时期,高评级 SRI 股票的表现优于低评级 SRI 股票,但在经济衰退等不景气时期表现不佳。高 SR 股票相对于低 SR 股票的异常回报的这种变化与依赖财富的投资者对 SR 股票的偏好一致,这导致在好(坏)时期对 SRI 的需求增加(减少)。