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Abundance and structure of the zooplankton community during a post-eruptive process: The case of the submarine volcano Tagoro (El Hierro; Canary islands) 2013-2018
Frontiers in Marine Science ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-22 , DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.692885
María Luz Fernández de Puelles , Magdalena Gazá , Miguel Cabanellas-Reboredo , Alba González-Vega , Inma Herrera , Carmen Presas-Navarro , Jesús M. Arrieta , Eugenio Fraile-Nuez

The mesozooplankton community was analyzed over a six-year period (2013-2018) during the post-eruptive stage of the submarine volcano Tagoro, located south of the island of El Hierro (Canary Archipelago, Spain). Nine cruises from March 2013 to March 2018 were carried out in two different seasons, spring (March-April) and autumn (October). A high-resolution study was carried out across the main cones of Tagoro volcano, as well as a large number of reference stations surrounding El Hierro (unaffected by the volcano). The zooplankton community at the reference stations showed a high similarity with more than 85% of the variation in abundance and composition attributable to seasonal differences. Moreover, our data showed an increase in zooplankton abundance in waters affected by the volcano with a higher presence of non-calanoid copepods and a decline in the diversity of the copepod community, indicating that volcanic inputs have a significant effect on these organisms. Fourteen different zooplankton groups were found but copepods were dominant (79%) with 59 genera and 170 species identified. Despite the high species number, less than 30 presented a larger abundance than >1%. Oncaea and Clausocalanus were the most abundant genera followed by Oithona and Paracalanus (60%). Nine species dominated (>2%), O. media, O. plumifera and O. setigera among the non-calanoids and M. clausi, P. nanus, P. parvus, C. furcatus, C. arcuicornis and N. minor among the calanoids. After the initial low abundance of the copepods, as a consequence of the eruption, an increase was observed in the last years of the study, where besides the small Paracalanus and Clausocalanus, the Cyclopoids seem to have a good adaptive strategy to the new water conditions. The increase in zooplankton abundance and the decline in the copepod diversity in the area affected by the volcano indicated that important changes in the composition of the zooplankton community have occurred. The volcanic emissions effect on the different copepods was more evident in spring when the cool water and mixing layer of the water column was deeper. Further and longer research is recommended to monitor the zooplankton community in the natural laboratory of the Tagoro submarine volcano.


喷发后过程中浮游动物群落的丰度和结构:海底火山塔戈罗(El Hierro;加那利群岛)2013-2018 年的案例

在位于 El Hierro 岛(西班牙加那利群岛)以南的海底火山 Tagoro 的喷发后阶段,对中浮游动物群落进行了六年(2013-2018 年)的分析。2013 年 3 月至 2018 年 3 月期间,在春季(3 月至 4 月)和秋季(10 月)两个不同季节进行了 9 次航行。对 Tagoro 火山的主锥体以及 El Hierro(未受火山影响)周围的大量参考站进行了高分辨率研究。参考站的浮游动物群落表现出高度相似性,超过 85% 的丰度和组成变化可归因于季节性差异。而且,我们的数据显示,受火山影响的水域中浮游动物丰度增加,非类足类桡足类的存在量增加,桡足类群落的多样性下降,表明火山输入对这些生物有显着影响。发现了 14 个不同的浮游动物群,但桡足类占优势 (79%),确定了 59 属和 170 种。尽管物种数量很高,但少于 30 种的丰度大于 >1%。Oncaea 和 Clausocalanus 是最丰富的属,其次是 Oithona 和 Paracalanus(60%)。九个物种占主导地位 (>2%),O. media, O. plumifera 和 O. setigera 在非海藻中,M. clausi, P. nanus, P. parvus, C. furcatus, C. arcuicornis 和 N. minor类胡萝卜素。由于喷发,桡足类最初的丰度很低,在研究的最后几年观察到增加,除了小型的 Paracalanus 和 Clausocalanus 之外,Cyclopoids 似乎对新的水条件有很好的适应策略。受火山影响的地区浮游动物丰度的增加和桡足类多样性的下降表明浮游动物群落的组成发生了重要变化。春季,当冷水和水柱混合层较深时,火山喷发对不同桡足类动物的影响更为明显。建议在 Tagoro 海底火山的天然实验室进行进一步和更长时间的研究,以监测浮游动物群落。Cyclopoids 似乎对新的水环境有很好的适应策略。受火山影响的地区浮游动物丰度的增加和桡足类多样性的下降表明浮游动物群落的组成发生了重要变化。春季,当冷水和水柱混合层较深时,火山喷发对不同桡足类动物的影响更为明显。建议在 Tagoro 海底火山的天然实验室进行进一步和更长时间的研究,以监测浮游动物群落。Cyclopoids 似乎对新的水环境有很好的适应策略。受火山影响的地区浮游动物丰度的增加和桡足类多样性的下降表明浮游动物群落的组成发生了重要变化。春季,当冷水和水柱混合层较深时,火山喷发对不同桡足类动物的影响更为明显。建议在 Tagoro 海底火山的天然实验室进行进一步和更长时间的研究,以监测浮游动物群落。春季,当冷水和水柱混合层较深时,火山喷发对不同桡足类动物的影响更为明显。建议在 Tagoro 海底火山的天然实验室进行进一步和更长时间的研究,以监测浮游动物群落。春季,当冷水和水柱混合层较深时,火山喷发对不同桡足类动物的影响更为明显。建议在 Tagoro 海底火山的天然实验室进行进一步和更长时间的研究,以监测浮游动物群落。