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Anatomical correlates of recovery in apraxia: A longitudinal lesion-mapping study in stroke patients
Cortex ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2021.06.001
Andrea Dressing 1 , Christoph P Kaller 2 , Markus Martin 1 , Kai Nitschke 3 , Dorothee Kuemmerer 3 , Lena-A Beume 3 , Charlotte S M Schmidt 3 , Mariacristina Musso 1 , Horst Urbach 4 , Michel Rijntjes 3 , Cornelius Weiller 1


This study investigates the clinical course of recovery of apraxia after left-hemisphere stroke and the underlying neuroanatomical correlates for persisting or recovering deficits in relation to the major processing streams in the network for motor cognition.


90 patients were examined during the acute (4.74 ± 2.73 days) and chronic (14.3 ± 15.39 months) stage after left-hemisphere stroke for deficits in meaningless imitation, as well as production and conceptual errors in tool use pantomime. Lesion correlates for persisting or recovering deficits were analyzed with an extension of the non-parametric Brunner–Munzel rank-order test for multi-factorial designs (two-way repeated-measures ANOVA) using acute images.


Meaningless imitation and tool use production deficits persisted into the chronic stage. Conceptual errors in tool use pantomime showed an almost complete recovery. Imitation errors persisted after occipitotemporal and superior temporal lesions in the dorso-dorsal stream. Chronic pantomime production errors were related to the supramarginal gyrus, the key structure of the ventro-dorsal stream. More anterior lesions in the ventro-dorsal stream (ventral premotor cortex) were additionally associated with poor recovery of production errors in pantomime. Conceptual errors in pantomime after temporal and supramarginal gyrus lesions persisted into the chronic stage. However, they resolved completely when related to angular gyrus or insular lesions.


The diverging courses of recovery in different apraxia tasks can be related to different mechanisms. Critical lesions to key structures of the network or entrance areas of the processing streams lead to persisting deficits in the corresponding tasks. Contrary, lesions located outside the core network but inducing a temporary network dysfunction allow good recovery e.g., of conceptual errors in pantomime. The identification of lesion correlates for different long-term recovery patterns in apraxia might also allow early clinical prediction of the course of recovery.






90 名患者在左半球卒中后的急性期(4.74 ± 2.73 天)和慢性期(14.3 ± 15.39 个月)接受了无意义模仿缺陷以及工具使用哑剧的制作和概念错误的检查。使用急性图像,通过对多因素设计(双向重复测量方差分析)的非参数 Brunner-Munzel 秩序检验的扩展,分析与持续或恢复缺陷的病变相关性。




