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Labour Rights from Labour Wrongs? Transnational Compensation and the Spatial Politics of Labour Rights after Bangladesh’s Rana Plaza Garment Factory Collapse
Antipode ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.1111/anti.12751
Rebecca Prentice 1

The collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factory building in Bangladesh, which resulted in the loss of at least 1134 lives and injuries to hundreds more, exposed the brutality of a global production system in which labour rights have become privatised, circumscribed, and deterritorialised. Unprecedented for an incident of its kind, affected families received $30 million in “compensation” from global apparel companies through the Rana Plaza Arrangement, a voluntary initiative overseen by the International Labour Organization (ILO). This article situates the Arrangement in debates over labour rights in global supply chains, presenting it as a hybrid mechanism that recognises workers’ right to compensation for injury or death but relies on the voluntarism of corporate social responsibility for funding. Exploring the complex role of neoliberal regulation in reproducing geographies of uneven development, I show how a transnational initiative can restrict labour rights even as it attempts to expand such rights.



孟加拉国拉纳广场制衣厂大楼倒塌,造成至少 1134 人丧生,数百人受伤,暴露了全球生产体系的残酷性,在该体系中,劳工权利已被私有化、限制和非领土化。受国际劳工组织 (ILO) 监督的一项自愿性倡议“拉纳广场安排”(Rana Plaza Arrangement) 是全球服装公司提供的 3,000 万美元“赔偿”,这在此类事件中是前所未有的。本文将《安排》置于有关全球供应链中劳工权利的辩论中,将其描述为一种混合机制,承认工人的受伤或死亡赔偿权,但依赖于企业社会责任的自愿性供资。