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Spaces of Social Recomposition: Resisting Meaningful Work in Social Cooperatives in Italy
Antipode ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.1111/anti.12752
Valentina Castellini 1

Workers’ experiences in Italian social cooperatives expose the tension between the goal of desirable change that these social economy organisations pursue and the demanding working conditions shouldered by staff. Born from the radical movements of the 1970s, social cooperatives deliver care and community services that seek to counter inequalities and marginalisation. This important work fuses employment with activism. Yet, cooperatives often rely on casualised labour practices that normalise overwork. A noble mission does not guarantee cooperatives will also be sustainable work environments. Based on extensive qualitative research conducted in Milan, this paper explores how, since 2013, a collective of social economy workers has been mobilising to challenge poor working conditions, query the ways workers participate in them, and connect labour demands with broader struggles against austerity and impoverishment. These organising efforts pursue social recomposition: a form of labour struggle that exceeds the workplace and embraces the sphere of social reproduction. Combining a workerist framework of class composition with feminist insights, this paper invites attention to the ways workers inhabit and struggle within, against and beyond their work.



工人在意大利社会合作社的经历暴露了这些社会经济组织所追求的理想变革目标与员工所承担的苛刻工作条件之间的紧张关系。社会合作社诞生于 1970 年代的激进运动,提供旨在应对不平等和边缘化的护理和社区服务。这项重要的工作将就业与激进主义融合在一起。然而,合作社通常依靠临时工来使过度工作正常化。崇高的使命并不能保证合作社也将成为可持续的工作环境。本文基于在米兰进行的大量定性研究,探讨了自 2013 年以来,一群社会经济工作者如何动员起来挑战恶劣的工作条件,询问工人参与其中的方式,并将劳动力需求与更广泛的反紧缩和贫困斗争联系起来。这些组织努力追求社会重组:一种超越工作场所并包含社会再生产领域的劳动斗争形式。本文将工人主义的阶级构成框架与女权主义见解相结合,引起人们对工人在工作之内、反对和工作之外的居住和斗争方式的关注。