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Jewish Believers in Paul's Letter to the Romans
Neotestamentica ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/neo.2018.0008
Christoph Stenschke

Abstract:In the past half-century, Jewish-Christian relations and the NT view of Jews and Judaism have been studied intensively. Much attention has been directed at Paul's letter to the Romans, in particular chs. 9–11. Regarding these chapters, the discussion is usually focused on questions regarding Paul's view of "unbelieving" Israel and its eventual salvation. In addition, there has been a renewed interest in Jewish Christianity. However, few studies have addressed Paul's view and appreciation of Jewish believers in the entire Letter to the Romans. In view of this situation, this essay examines Paul's references to them (including his own identity as a Jewish Christian or Christian Jew) throughout the letter. Paul's understanding emerges most prominently in chs. 9–11, where, drawing heavily on the OT and Early Jewish notions, the Jewish believers constitute the remnant of Israel. This remnant indicates and guarantees God's faithfulness to all of Israel. Due to the existence of Jewish believers, Paul can conclude that God's gifts and calling of Israel (and also of gentile Christians!) are irrevocable (11:29). The Christian church is conceived of as the believing remnant of Israel supplemented by gentile Christians and awaiting the salvation of all of Israel. In Rom 15f., Paul shows his concern for Jerusalem and its Jewish Christians, and acknowledges and praises the contribution of many Jewish believers to the early Christian mission.



摘要:近半个世纪以来,犹太教与基督教的关系以及新约对犹太人和犹太教的看法得到了深入研究。很多注意力都集中在保罗写给罗马人的书信上,尤其是 chs。9-11。关于这些章节,讨论通常集中在关于保罗对“不信的”以色列及其最终得救的看法的问题上。此外,人们对犹太基督教重新产生了兴趣。然而,很少有研究在整篇罗马书中提到保罗对犹太信徒的看法和评价。鉴于这种情况,本文考察了保罗在整封信中对他们的引用(包括他自己作为犹太基督徒或基督教犹太人的身份)。保罗的理解在 chs 中最为突出。9-11,其中,大量借鉴旧约和早期犹太人的观念,犹太信徒构成了以色列的余民。这余民表明并保证上帝对所有以色列人的信实。由于犹太信徒的存在,保罗可以得出结论,上帝对以色列(以及外邦基督徒)的恩赐和呼召是不可撤销的(11:29)。基督教会被认为是有信仰的以色列余民,外邦基督徒作为补充,等待着全以色列的得救。在罗马书 15f. 中,保罗表达了他对耶路撒冷及其犹太基督徒的关心,并承认并赞扬了许多犹太信徒对早期基督教使命的贡献。由于犹太信徒的存在,保罗可以得出结论,上帝对以色列(以及外邦基督徒)的恩赐和呼召是不可撤销的(11:29)。基督教会被认为是有信仰的以色列余民,外邦基督徒作为补充,等待着全以色列的得救。在罗马书 15f. 中,保罗表达了他对耶路撒冷及其犹太基督徒的关心,并承认并赞扬了许多犹太信徒对早期基督教传教的贡献。由于犹太信徒的存在,保罗可以得出结论,上帝对以色列(以及外邦基督徒)的恩赐和呼召是不可撤销的(11:29)。基督教会被认为是有信仰的以色列余民,外邦基督徒作为补充,等待着全以色列的得救。在罗马书 15f. 中,保罗表达了他对耶路撒冷及其犹太基督徒的关心,并承认并赞扬了许多犹太信徒对早期基督教使命的贡献。