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Where Impunity Reigns: Nickel Mining in El Estor, Guatemala
Latin American Perspectives ( IF 1.047 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0094582x20982548
James Rodríguez

Along the northern edge of Lake Izabal, Guatemala’s largest body of water, a nickel-mining project has been the source of continuous land and social conflict for nearly 60 years. Originally known as the EXMIBAL Mine, it started as a subsidiary of Canadian INCO (International Nickel Company) after military governments handed the former mining giant a 40-year lease on 385 square kilometers in 1965. This land was in Q’eqchi’ Mayan territory, and the project



近 60 年来,危地马拉最大的水域伊萨巴尔湖(Lake Izabal)北部边缘的镍矿开采项目一直是土地和社会冲突的源头。最初被称为 EXMIBAL 矿,在军政府于 1965 年将 385 平方公里的 40 年租约交给加拿大 INCO(国际镍公司)之后,它开始作为加拿大 INCO(国际镍公司)的子公司。这片土地位于 Q'eqchi' 玛雅领土,和项目