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Development and validation of the suicidal behaviours questionnaire - autism spectrum conditions in a community sample of autistic, possibly autistic and non-autistic adults
Molecular Autism ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.1186/s13229-021-00449-3
Sarah A Cassidy 1 , Louise Bradley 2 , Heather Cogger-Ward 1, 3, 4 , Jacqui Rodgers 5

Autistic people and those with high autistic traits are at high risk of experiencing suicidality. Yet, there are no suicidality assessment tools developed or validated for these groups. A widely used and validated suicidality assessment tool developed for the general population (SBQ-R), was adapted using feedback from autistic adults, to create the Suicidal Behaviours Questionnaire—Autism Spectrum Conditions (SBQ-ASC). The adapted tool was refined through nine interviews, and an online survey with 251 autistic adults, to establish clarity and relevance of the items. Subsequently, 308 autistic, 113 possibly autistic, and 268 non-autistic adults completed the adapted tool online, alongside self-report measures of autistic traits (AQ), camouflaging autistic traits (CAT-Q), depression (PHQ-9), anxiety (ASA-A), thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness (INQ-15), lifetime non-suicidal self-injury, and the original version of the suicidality assessment tool (SBQ-R). Analyses explored the appropriateness and measurement properties of the adapted tool between the groups. There was evidence in support of content validity, structural validity, internal consistency, convergent and divergent validity, test–retest validity, sensitivity and specificity (for distinguishing those with or without lifetime experience of suicide attempt), and hypothesis testing of the adapted tool (SBQ-ASC) in each group. The structure of the SBQ-ASC was equivalent between autistic and possibly autistic adults, regardless of gender, or use of visual aids to help quantify abstract rating scales. The samples involved in the development and validation of the adapted tool were largely female, and largely diagnosed as autistic in adulthood, which limits the generalisability of results to the wider autistic population. The SBQ-ASC has been developed for use in research and is not recommended to assess risk of future suicide attempts and/or self-harm. The SBQ-ASC has been designed with and for autistic and possibly autistic adults, and is not appropriate to compare to non-autistic adults given measurement differences between these groups. The SBQ-ASC is a brief self-report suicidality assessment tool, developed and validated with and for autistic adults, without co-occurring intellectual disability. The SBQ-ASC is appropriate for use in research to identify suicidal thoughts and behaviours in autistic and possibly autistic people, and model associations with risk and protective factors.



自闭症患者和具有高度自闭症特征的患者出现自杀的风险很高。然而,还没有为这些群体开发或验证自杀倾向评估工具。为普通人群开发的一种广泛使用且经过验证的自杀评估工具 (SBQ-R),根据自闭症成人的反馈进行了修改,创建了自杀行为问卷 - 自闭症谱系状况 (SBQ-ASC)。经过九次访谈以及对 251 名成人自闭症患者进行的在线调查,对改编后的工具进行了完善,以确定项目的清晰度和相关性。随后,308 名自闭症患者、113 名可能患有自闭症的成年人和 268 名非自闭症成年人在线完成了改编后的工具,以及自闭症特征 (AQ)、伪装自闭症特征 (CAT-Q)、抑郁 (PHQ-9)、焦虑的自我报告测量(ASA-A)、受挫的归属感和感知负担(INQ-15)、终生非自杀性自伤以及自杀评估工具的原始版本(SBQ-R)。分析探讨了各组之间采用的工具的适当性和测量特性。有证据支持内容效度、结构效度、内部一致性、收敛和发散效度、重测效度、敏感性和特异性(用于区分那些终生有或没有自杀企图经历的人)以及改编工具的假设检验(每组中的SBQ-ASC)。 SBQ-ASC 的结构在自闭症和可能患有自闭症的成年人之间是相同的,无论性别如何,或使用视觉辅助工具来帮助量化抽象评分量表。 参与开发和验证适应工具的样本主要是女性,并且大部分在成年后被诊断为自闭症,这限制了结果对更广泛的自闭症人群的普遍性。 SBQ-ASC 是为研究用途而开发的,不建议用于评估未来自杀企图和/或自残的风险。 SBQ-ASC 是为自闭症和可能患有自闭症的成年人设计的,考虑到这些群体之间的测量差异,不适合与非自闭症成年人进行比较。 SBQ-ASC 是一种简短的自我报告自杀评估工具,是与自闭症成人一起开发和验证的,没有同时发生的智力障碍。 SBQ-ASC 适用于识别自闭症和可能自闭症患者的自杀想法和行为的研究,并建立与风险和保护因素的关联模型。