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Interactive exploration of a hierarchical spider web structure with sound
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s12193-021-00375-x
Isabelle Su , Ian Hattwick , Christine Southworth , Evan Ziporyn , Ally Bisshop , Roland Mühlethaler , Tomás Saraceno , Markus J. Buehler

3D spider webs exhibit highly intricate fiber architectures and owe their outstanding performance to a hierarchical organization that spans orders of magnitude in length scale from the molecular silk protein, to micrometer-sized fibers, and up to cm-scale web. Similarly, but in a completely different physical manifestation, music has a hierarchical structure composed of elementary sine wave building blocks that can be combined with other waveforms to create complex timbres, which are then arranged within larger-scale musical compositions. Although apparently different, spider webs and music have many similarities, as we point out in this work. Here, we propose an intuitive and interactive way to explore and visualize a 3D Cyrtophora citricola spider web geometry that has been digitally modeled with micron-scale details from full-scale laboratory experiments. We use model-based sonification to translate the web architecture into sound, allowing for aural perception and interpretation of its essential topological features. We implement this sonification using Unity3D and Max/MSP to create an interactive spider web environment in which a user travels through a virtual spider web. Each silk fiber in their field of view is sonified using different sine waves. Together, the sonified fibers create new and more complex timbres that reflects the architecture of 3D spider webs. These concepts are implemented into a spider web-based instrument for live performances, art installations and data exploration. It provides an unprecedented and creative way to immerse the composer, audience and user in an immersive multimedia experience generated by the complexity of a 3D spider web.



3D 蜘蛛网表现出高度复杂的纤维结构,其出色的性能归功于层次结构,其长度尺度从分子丝蛋白到微米级纤维,再到厘米级网络。同样,但在完全不同的物理表现中,音乐具有由基本正弦波构建块组成的层次结构,这些构建块可以与其他波形组合以创建复杂的音色,然后将其安排在更大规模的音乐作品中。正如我们在这项工作中指出的那样,虽然表面上不同,但蜘蛛网和音乐有许多相似之处。在这里,我们提出了一种直观和交互式的方式来探索和可视化 3D Cyrtophora citricola蜘蛛网几何图形已使用来自全尺寸实验室实验的微米级细节进行数字建模。我们使用基于模型的声音化将网络架构转化为声音,允许对其基本拓扑特征的听觉感知和解释。我们使用 Unity3D 和 Max/MSP 实现了这种声音化,以创建一个交互式蜘蛛网环境,用户可以在其中穿越虚拟蜘蛛网。视野中的每根丝纤维都使用不同的正弦波进行声波处理。声音化的纤维共同创造了新的、更复杂的音色,反映了 3D 蜘蛛网的结构。这些概念被实施到基于蜘蛛网的工具中,用于现场表演、艺术装置和数据探索。它提供了一种前所未有的创造性方式让作曲家沉浸其中,
