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Leader-Follower Congruence in Work Engagement and Leader-Member Exchange: The Moderating Role of Followers’ Conscientiousness
Frontiers In Psychology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.666765
Yanhua Ye 1 , Ziwen Wang 2 , Xiaowei Lu 1

Extant research has investigated the relationship between work engagement and various outcomes such as job performance and organizational commitment, neglecting the effect of work engagement on social relationships at work. Drawing upon person-environment fit theory and LMX theory, the present study aims to examine the effect of (in)congruence between leader and follower work engagement on leader-member exchange (LMX) and the moderating effect of conscientiousness. 273 employees and 72 leaders participated in this study and completed the measurements of work engagement, LMX, and conscientiousness at two time points. Using cross-level polynomial regressions, we found that compared with incongruent work engagement, employees perceived high levels of LMX quality when their work engagement was aligned with their leaders’. Regarding the congruence, employees reported higher levels of LMX when congruence in work engagement was at higher rather than lower levels. Regarding the incongruence, when employees engaged less in their work tasks than their leaders, they were more likely to experience lower LMX. Moreover, the negative relationship between incongruence in leader and follower work engagement and LMX was mitigated when followers were more conscientious. All our hypotheses were supported. Both theoretical and practical implications for work engagement as well as future directions are discussed.



现有研究调查了工作投入与工作绩效和组织承诺等各种结果之间的关系,而忽略了工作投入对工作中社会关系的影响。本研究借鉴人与环境契合理论和 LMX 理论,旨在检验领导者和下属工作投入之间的(不)一致性对领导成员交换(LMX)的影响以及尽责性的调节作用。273 名员工和 72 名领导参与了这项研究,并在两个时间点完成了工作投入、LMX 和尽责性的测量。使用跨级别多项式回归,我们发现与不一致的工作投入相比,当员工的工作投入与领导保持一致时,他们会感知到高水平的 LMX 质量。关于一致性,当工作投入的一致性处于较高水平而不是较低水平时,员工报告的 LMX 水平较高。关于不一致,当员工在工作任务上的投入少于领导时,他们更有可能经历较低的 LMX。此外,当追随者更加尽责时,领导者与追随者工作投入的不一致与 LMX 之间的负面关系得到缓解。我们所有的假设都得到了支持。讨论了工作参与的理论和实践意义以及未来的方向。当追随者更加尽责时,领导者和追随者工作投入的不一致与 LMX 之间的负面关系得到缓解。我们所有的假设都得到了支持。讨论了工作参与的理论和实践意义以及未来的方向。当追随者更加尽责时,领导者和追随者工作投入的不一致与 LMX 之间的负面关系得到缓解。我们所有的假设都得到了支持。讨论了工作参与的理论和实践意义以及未来的方向。