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Biostratigraphy, Microfacies and Depositional Environment of the Sarvak Formation at the Pyun Anticline (Zagros Basin, Southwest of Iran)
Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14763
Mahtab Dousti MOHAJER 1 , Massih AFHGAH 2 , Mohammadsadegh DEHGHANIAN 3 , Seyed Jamal Sheikh ZAKARIAII 1

The Sarvak Formation is a carbonate sequence of Late Albian–Early Turonian age in Zagros Basin in Iran. In this investigation, the Sarvak Formation at the Pyun Anticline section (Izeh Zone) has been studied. It consists of 797 m thick limestone which overlies the Kazhdumi Formation conformably and underlies the Gurpi Formation unconformably at the Pyun Anticline. A very rich fossil association (85 genera and 132 species) characterizes the Pyun section. Based on the stratigraphic distribution of diagnosed foraminifera, five biozones are established: 1, Muricohedbergella-Globigerinelloides sp. assemblage zone (Late Albian); 2, Praealveolina iberica-Chrysalidina gradata interval zone (Early Cenomanian); 3, Chrysalidina gradata-Cisalveolina fraasi (fallax) and C. lehneri interval zone (Middle Cenomanian); 4, C. fraasi (fallax) and C. lehneri-Praetaberina bingistani assemblage zone (Late Cenomanian); 5, Nezzazatinella picardi-Mangashtia-Dicyclina assemblage zone (Early Turonian). Based on the petrographic and sedimentological analyses, some 13 carbonate microfacies were identified. The investigated microfacies confirm a ramp-type paleoenvironment. These microfacies, from distal to proximal environments, consist of: MF1: planktonic foraminifera wackestone-packstone; MF2: Oligostegina planktonic foraminifera wackestone to packstone; MF3: planktonic-benthic foraminifers sponge spicules wackestone-packstone; MF4: rudist floatstone; MF5: rudist rudstone; MF6: bioclast intraclast grainstone; MF7: peloid intraclast grainstone; MF8: benthic foraminifers rudist grainstone-packstone; MF9: peloid bioclast grainstone-packstone; MF10: bioclast (benthic foraminifers) wackestone-packstone; MF11: peloid bioclast packstone; MF12: dacycladacea benthic foraminifera packstone-wackestone; MF13: miliolids wackestone-packstone.



Sarvak 组是伊朗扎格罗斯盆地阿尔比安晚期-土伦早期的碳酸盐岩层序。在这次调查中,研究了位于 Pyun 背斜剖面(Izeh 带)的 Sarvak 组。它由 797 m 厚的石灰岩组成,该石灰岩与 Kazhdumi 组一致地覆盖在 Pyun 背斜的 Gurpi 组之下。一个非常丰富的化石组合(85 属和 132 种)是 Pyun 部分的特征。根据诊断出的有孔虫的地层分布,建立了五个生物区:1,Muricohedbergella-Globigerinelloides sp。组合区(晚阿尔比安);2、Praealveolina iberica-Chrysalidina gradata间隔带(Early Cenomanian);3、Chrysalidina gradata-Cisalveolina fraasi (fallax)C. lehneri间隔带(Middle Cenomanian);4、C. fraasi (fallax)C. lehneri-Praetaberina bingistani组合区 (Late Cenomanian);5、Nezzazatinella picardi-Mangashtia-Dicyclina组合区(土伦早期)。根据岩石学和沉积学分析,确定了大约 13 个碳酸盐微相。研究的微相证实了斜坡型古环境。这些从远端到近端环境的微相包括: MF1:浮游有孔虫 wackestone-packstone;MF2:Oligostegina planktonic foraminifera wackestone to packstone;MF3:浮游底栖有孔虫海绵骨刺 wackestone-packstone;MF4:原始浮石;MF5:粗犷的原石;MF6:生物碎屑内颗粒岩;MF7:球状碎屑内颗粒岩;MF8:底栖有孔虫粗粒石-包石;MF9:球状生物碎屑粒粒石-粒粒石;MF10: bioclast (底栖有孔虫) wackestone-packstone; MF11:球状生物碎屑颗粒;MF12:dacycladacea底栖有孔虫packstone-wackestone;MF13: