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Remapping the World in a Fifteenth-Century Cosmography: Genres and Networks Between Deccan India and Iran
Iran ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-20 , DOI: 10.1080/05786967.2021.1911755
Vivek Gupta 1


This article examines codicological evidence for the presence of an illustrated Persian cosmography (‘ajā’ib al-makhlūqāt) (British Library Add 23564) at the fifteenth-century Bahmani court (1347–1538) of Deccan India. It traces this manuscript's itinerary from the dating of its colophon 1441, to its place in Bahmani Bidar, to a subimperial Mughal library, to its move to ‘Adil Shahi Bijapur in 1618, and finally to its arrival at the British Library in 1860. It argues that distinguishing manuscript genre from textual genre when considering book production over a longue durée enables one to see books more clearly through the lens of their makers and readers. By establishing this cosmography's place in South Asia, this article enables it to be situated within the activity of this manuscript genre throughout the Deccan's early modern period.


在 15 世纪的宇宙学中重新绘制世界:德干印度和伊朗之间的流派和网络


本文研究了在 15 世纪印度德干巴赫曼尼宫廷(1347-1538 年)存在的插图波斯宇宙学 ( 'aja'ib al-makhlūqāt )(英国图书馆增刊 23564)的编纂学证据。它追溯了这份手稿的行程,从其页码 1441 年开始,到它在 Bahmani Bidar 的位置,到一个次帝国的莫卧儿图书馆,到它于 1618 年搬到阿迪尔沙希比贾普尔,最后到它于 1860 年到达大英图书馆。认为在考虑长期出版的书籍制作时区分手稿体裁文本体裁使人们能够通过制作者和读者的镜头更清楚地看到书籍。通过确立这种宇宙学在南亚的地位,本文使其能够在整个德干早期现代时期处于这种手稿类型的活动中。
