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Hilali and Mir ‘Ali: Sunnis among the Shi‘is, or Shi‘is among the Sunnis between the Shaybanids, Safavids and the Mughals
Iran ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-20 , DOI: 10.1080/05786967.2021.1911756
Firuza Melville 1


In 1788 Ephraim Pote, a British merchant in Patna, sent a large portion of the manuscript collection which formerly belonged to Colonel of the East India Company Antoine Polier. Among those manuscripts there was a Divan by Badr al-Din Hilali, who was executed by the Uzbek Sultan ‘Ubaydallah right after the conquest of Herat in 1529. The calligrapher responsible for compiling the impressive selection of Hilali's Divan was the famous Mir ‘Ali Haravi. He produced it in fond memory of his perished friend and their beloved Herat, when he was already working for ‘Ubaydallah in Bukhara, where he had been brought as part of the Sultan's intellectual booty. The manuscript is exceptionally important from various points of view: history, literature, artistic decoration and provenance. It is not only the earliest surviving copy of Hilali’s Divan, but allows the siege of Herat to be attributed with more chronological precision than was possible before. When the manuscript arrived to Delhi by the time of Emperor Shahjahan, it had spectacular marginal decorations of arabesque, floral and animalistic motifs in gold and polychrome. This makes the manuscript a brilliant example of intercultural communication between Persia, Central Asia and India in the sixteenth century.


Hilali 和 Mir 'Ali:什叶派中的逊尼派,或 Shaybanids、Safavids 和 Mughals 之间的逊尼派中的什叶派


1788 年,巴特那的英国商人以法莲·波特 (Ephraim Pote) 寄出了原属于东印度公司 Antoine Polier 上校的大部分手稿收藏。在这些手稿中,有一部Badr al-Din Hilali的Divan,他在 1529 年征服赫拉特后立即被乌兹别克斯坦苏丹 'Ubaydallah 处决。这位书法家负责汇编了令人印象深刻的 Hilali 的Divan选集是著名的米尔阿里哈拉维。他制作这本书是为了纪念他已故的朋友和他们心爱的赫拉特,当时他已经在布哈拉为 Ubaydallah 工作,在那里他作为苏丹的知识财富的一部分被带到那里。从历史、文学、艺术装饰和出处等各个角度来看,手稿都异常重要。它不仅是现存最早的希拉里的凡抄本,但允许以比以前更准确的时间顺序来归因对赫拉特的围攻。当手稿在沙贾汗皇帝时代到达德里时,它有壮观的边缘装饰,有金色和彩色的蔓藤花纹、花卉和动物图案。这使得手稿成为 16 世纪波斯、中亚和印度之间跨文化交流的杰出范例。
