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Local and large-scale controls of the exceptional Venice floods of November 2019
Progress in Oceanography ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102628
Christian Ferrarin , Marco Bajo , Alvise Benetazzo , Luigi Cavaleri , Jacopo Chiggiato , Silvio Davison , Silvio Davolio , Piero Lionello , Mirko Orlić , Georg Umgiesser

On 12 November 2019, an exceptional flood event took place in Venice, second only to the one that occurred on 4 November 1966. Moreover, with four extremely high tides since 11 November 2019, this was the worst week for flooding in Venice since the beginning of sea level records (1872). The event that struck Venice and the northern Adriatic Sea on 12 November 2019, although having certain conditions seemingly typical of the events causing exceptional high waters, had some peculiar characteristics not observed before, which deserved an in-depth analysis. Several factors made this event exceptional: the in-phase timing between the peak of the storm surge and the astronomical tide; a deep low-pressure cyclone over the central-southern Tyrrhenian Sea that generated strong Sirocco (south-easterly) winds along the main axis of the Adriatic Sea, pushing waters to the north; a fast-moving local depression – and the associated wind perturbation – travelling in the north-westward direction over the Adriatic Sea along the Italian coast, generating a meteotsunami; very strong winds (28 m s1 on average with 31 m s1 gusts) over the Lagoon of Venice, which led to a rise in water levels and damages to the historic city; and an anomalously high monthly mean sea level in the Adriatic Sea, induced by a standing low-pressure and wind systems over the Mediterranean Sea, that was associated with large-scale low-frequency atmospheric dynamics. In this study, the large set of available observations and high-resolution numerical simulations have been used to quantify the contribution of the mentioned drivers to the peak of the flood event and to investigate the peculiar weather and sea conditions over the Mediterranean Sea during the Venice floods of November 2019.


2019 年 11 月威尼斯特大洪水的局部和大规模控制

2019 年 11 月 12 日,威尼斯发生了一场特殊的洪水事件,仅次于 1966 年 11 月 4 日发生的洪水事件。此外,自 2019 年 11 月 11 日以来出现了四次极高潮,这是威尼斯自洪水开始以来最严重的一周海平面记录 (1872)。2019 年 11 月 12 日袭击威尼斯和亚得里亚海北部的事件虽然具有某些看似造成异常高水位的事件的典型条件,但具有一些以前未观察到的特殊特征,值得深入分析。有几个因素使这一事件与众不同:风暴潮高峰与天文潮汐之间的时间同步;第勒尼安海中南部上空的深层低压气旋,沿亚得里亚海的主轴产生了强烈的西罗科(东南风)风,将水推向北方;快速移动的局部低气压 - 以及相关的风扰动 - 沿意大利海岸沿亚得里亚海向西北方向移动,产生了气象海啸;强风(28 m s-1 平均为 31 毫秒-1阵风)席卷威尼斯泻湖,导致水位上升并损坏了这座历史名城;亚得里亚海的月平均海平面异常高,这是由地中海上空的常设低压和风系统引起的,这与大规模低频大气动力学有关。在这项研究中,大量可用的观测和高分辨率数值模拟已被用于量化上述驱动因素对洪水事件高峰的贡献,并研究了威尼斯期间地中海上空的特殊天气和海况。 2019 年 11 月的洪水。
