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Removing the noose item from the Boston naming test: A step toward antiracist neuropsychological assessment
The Clinical Neuropsychologist ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2021.1933187
Sarah K Salo 1 , Janice C Marceaux 2 , Karin J M McCoy 2 , Robin C Hilsabeck 3


Objective: The Boston Naming Test-Second Edition (BNT-2), the “gold-standard” assessment of confrontation naming used to diagnosis disorders such as dementia, includes aculturally insensitive item, the noose. Given calls to stop structural racism in psychology, this study examined changes in scores and performance classification if the noose item were omitted from the BNT-2. Methods: Participants were 291 Black, White, and Latinx adults who were administered the BNT-2 within a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation. Ethnoracial differences in BNT-2 scores with and without the noose item and percentages of participants answering the noose item incorrectly were investigated. Results: Significant differences were found between ethnoracial groups in BNT-2 raw scores, T-scores, and percentage of participants incorrectly answering the noose item. Follow-up analyses revealed White participants obtained significantly higher raw scores and had significantly fewer participants answer the noose item incorrectly than Black and Latinx groups, who did not differ significantly. For T-scores, Black participants obtained significantly higher scores than White participants who obtained significantly higher scores than Latinx participants. Despite these differences, giving credit for the omitted noose item changed performance classification for only 10 participants (3.4%). Conclusions: Performance classification did not change significantly for the vast majority of a large ethnoculturally diverse sample when giving credit for the noose item as if it were not administered. Therefore, the non-noose BNT-2remains accurate while reducing cultural insensitivity towards Black populations, emphasizing a step in working towards anti-racism and fostering culturally-competent services within psychology.




目标:波士顿命名测试 - 第二版 (BNT-2),用于诊断痴呆症等疾病的对抗命名的“黄金标准”评估,包括一个文化不敏感的项目,绞索。考虑到停止心理学中的结构性种族主义的呼声,这项研究检查了如果从 BNT-2 中省略绞索项目,分数和表现分类的变化。方法:参与者是 291 名黑人、白人和拉丁裔成年人,他们在全面的神经心理学评估中接受了 BNT-2。调查了使用和不使用绞索项目的 BNT-2 分数的种族差异以及参与者错误回答绞索项目的百分比。结果:在 BNT-2 原始分数、T 分数和参与者错误回答套索项目的百分比方面,种族群体之间存在显着差异。后续分析显示,与无显着差异的黑人和拉丁裔组相比,白人参与者获得的原始分数明显更高,并且错误回答绞索项目的参与者明显更少。对于 T 分数,黑人参与者获得的分数明显高于白人参与者,白人参与者获得的分数明显高于拉丁裔参与者。尽管存在这些差异,但只有 10 名参与者 (3.4%) 对省略的套索项目给予信任改变了绩效分类。结论:当对绞索项目给予信用时,表现分类对于绝大多数具有种族文化差异的大型样本没有显着变化,就好像它没有被管理一样。因此,非套索BNT-2 保持准确,同时减少了对黑人人口的文化不敏感,强调了朝着反种族主义努力迈出的一步,并在心理学中培养具有文化能力的服务。
