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$$^1$$ 1 H, $$^2$$ 2 H and $$^3$$ 3 H nuclear magnetic dipole moment effects on the electron energy states
Pramana ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s12043-021-02142-9
M F Alshudifat

The effect of nuclear magnetic dipole moment of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium isotopes on the electron atomic energy has been studied and analysed in this work. The electromagnetic Hamiltonian was rewritten in terms of the orbital angular momentum \(L_e\) of the electron, the gyromagnetic ratio \(\gamma _N\) of the nucleus and its total angular momentum \(J_N\). The first-order energy correction has been derived, and this correction splits each \(\ell \) state into \(2J_N+1\) states. The energy corrections and the differences between the split states of the first two lowest energy states for each isotope were calculated and it is found that these two energy states are in the radiowave range.


$$^1$$ 1 H, $$^2$$ 2 H 和 $$^3$$ 3 H 核磁偶极矩对电子能态的影响

研究分析了氢、氘、氚同位素的核磁偶极矩对电子原子能的影响。根据电子的轨道角动量\(L_e\)、原子核的旋磁比\(\gamma _N\)及其总角动量\(J_N\)重写电磁哈密顿量。已经推导出一阶能量校正,这个校正将每个\(\ell\)状态分成\(2J_N+1\)个状态。计算了每种同位素的前两个最低能态的能量修正和分裂态之间的差异,发现这两个能态都在无线电波范围内。
