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Jonathan I. Israel, The Enlightenment that Failed: Ideas, Revolution, and Democratic Defeat, 1748–1830
European History Quarterly ( IF 0.805 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1177/0265691420963194j
Woochang Lee

Literature and the Making of German-Jewish Identity. Occasionally the multiplicity of contexts leaves certain points underdeveloped. For example, greater attention to contemporaneous melodramas and the discourse of conversion could be beneficial. The latter seems relevant given the political debates in Germany and England and the literary precedents Hess cites (especially Ivanhoe and The Merchant of Venice, both featuring conversion debates and interfaith romance). The title’s reference to ‘Judaism’ is also a bit misleading, since both the texts under consideration and Hess himself focus on the more flexible, less theological category of Jewishness. But these are small quibbles with a work of large scope and impressive scholarly verve. Just as Deborah merited a place on ‘the world’s stage’, so too does Hess’s book.


乔纳森 I. 以色列,失败的启蒙运动:思想、革命和民主失败,1748-1830 年
