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“I don’t feel studied”: Reflections on power-consciousness in action research with college student sex workers
Action Research ( IF 1.808 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-20 , DOI: 10.1177/14767503211023127
Terah J Stewart 1

An overarching component of PAR is that there should be participant engagement between researchers and other participants as members of a/the community under inquiry. This expectation while powerful, can also prove to be prohibitive for studies seeking to engage communities with stigmatized and/or criminalized identities, which was the case as I sought to engage a PAR methodology with college student sex workers. As such, along with study collaborators, we imagine and develop a power-conscious collaborative process that is useful for researchers wishing to embrace a collaborative ethic, when the community component of PAR might be unsuitable or unattainable. Specifically, this process creates conditions whereby the researcher can be cognizant of power relations and disrupt the prevalent researcher/researched dichotomy and more deeply invite subjects of research to become collaborators and share power within the inquiry.



PAR 的一个首要组成部分是研究人员和其他参与者之间应该有参与者参与,这些参与者是被调查社区的成员。这种期望虽然强大,但也证明对于寻求让具有污名化和/或犯罪化身份的社区参与的研究来说是令人望而却步的,当我试图将 PAR 方法与大学生性工作者进行互动时就是这种情况。因此,与研究合作者一起,我们设想并开发了一个有权力意识的协作过程,当 PAR 的社区组成部分可能不合适或无法实现时,这对于希望拥抱协作伦理的研究人员很有用。具体来说,
