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Forest management to increase carbon sequestration in boreal Pinus sylvestris forests
Plant and Soil ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s11104-021-05038-0
Karolina Jörgensen , Gustaf Granath , Björn D. Lindahl , Joachim Strengbom

Background and aims

Forest management towards increased carbon (C) sequestration has repeatedly been suggested as a “natural climate solution”. We evaluated the potential of altered management to increase C sequestration in boreal Pinus sylvestris forest plantations.


At 29 forest sites, distributed along a 1300 km latitudinal gradient in Sweden, we studied interactive effects of fertilization and thinning on accumulation of C in standing biomass and the organic horizon over a 40 year period.


Abstention from thinning increased the total C stock by 50% on average. The increase was significant (14% on average) even when C in the removed timber was included in the total ecosystem C pool. Fertilization of thinned stands increased stocks similarly regardless of including (11%) or excluding (12%) removed biomass, and fertilization combined with abstention from thinning had a synergistic effect on C stocks that generated an increase of 79% (35% when removed timber was included in the C stock). A positive effect of fertilization on C stocks was observed along the entire gradient but was greater in relative terms at high latitudes. Fertilization also reduced soil respiration rates.


Taken together, our results suggest that changed forest management practices have major potential to increase the C sink of boreal forests. Although promising, these benefits should be evaluated against the undesired effects that such management can have on economic revenue, timber quality, biodiversity and delivery of other ecosystem services.






在瑞典沿 1300 公里纬度梯度分布的 29 个森林地点,我们研究了 40 年间施肥和间伐对立生生物量和有机层中碳积累的交互影响。


避免间伐使总碳储量平均增加了 50%。即使将移出的木材中的 C 包括在总生态系统 C 库中,这种增加也是显着的(平均 14%)。无论包括 (11%) 还是不包括 (12%) 去除的生物量,对间伐林分施肥都类似地增加了蓄积量,施肥结合不进行间伐对碳储量具有协同效应,增加了 79%(去除木材时为 35%)已包含在 C 股票中)。在整个梯度上观察到施肥对碳储量的积极影响,但在高纬度相对而言更大。施肥还降低了土壤呼吸率。


