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New biological zonation of a late Jurassic coral reef complex (Lorraine, France)
International Journal of Earth Sciences ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s00531-021-02070-4
Bernard Lathuilière , Cédric Carpentier , Vincent Huault , Bertrand Martin-Garin

Late Jurassic coral assemblages and their ecological reef zonation (as a function of water depth) were studied in 490 m deep shafts dug for the underground laboratory of the French National Agency for Radioactive Waste Management (ANDRA). Based on a quantitative approach, several ecozones are distinguished. Identified ecozones represent evolution from the initiation of the reef during a shallowing of depositional environments to the end of the platform progradation in sheltered settings. Ecozones are defined by the most abundant genera Dimorpharaea, Microsolena, Rhabdophyllia, Comoseris, and Stylina. The slight differences between these coral associations when compared to regional outcrops can be explained by the more distal palaeogeographical location of the studied section, close to the platform margin. This study strengthens the zonation model proposed for coeval Oxfordian outcrops in the Jura Mountains with the exception that the Rhabdophyllia ecozone replaces the Dendraraea ecozone. Other comparisons are proposed and take into account the progress in coral taxonomy in the past 15 years.



在为法国国家放射性废物管理机构 (ANDRA) 的地下实验室挖掘的 490 m 深竖井中研究了晚侏罗世珊瑚组合及其生态礁区带(作为水深的函数)。根据定量方法,可以区分几个生态区。已确定的生态区代表了从沉积环境变浅期间珊瑚礁开始到遮蔽环境中平台进积结束的演变。生态区域由最丰富的属定义DimorpharaeaMicrosolenaRhabdophyllia,ComoserisStylina. 与区域露头相比,这些珊瑚群之间的细微差异可以通过研究剖面更远的古地理位置来解释,靠近平台边缘。除了Rhabdophyllia生态区取代Dendraraea生态区之外,这项研究加强了为侏山脉同时期牛津露头提出的分区模型。还提出了其他比较,并考虑了过去 15 年珊瑚分类学的进展。
