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Everyday Disruptions and Jewish Dilemmas: Preliminary Insights from the Pandemic Journaling Project
Jewish Social Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.2979/jewisocistud.26.1.15
Willen , Wogenstein , Mason

Notably, 12 percent of these PJP participants identify as Jewish, due likely to dissemination efforts by the University of Connecticut's Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life, one of our sponsors 3 We begin by sketching the contours of the PJP itself, which was created to capture the lived realities of the coronavirus pandemic just as it began shaking the foundations of the everyday-around the world, but especially in high-rate, high-risk countries like the US In Week 1, before contributing their first journal entries, participants are asked to complete a baseline survey (using validated survey questions wherever possible), that addresses demographics, COVID-19 exposure, and self-reported physical and mental health status [ ]other analytic projects, including this essay, will examine the challenges posed by the pandemic to members of a particular demographic group (as defined by self-reported gender, age, race-ethnicity, religion, or other features or combination of features) First is a commitment to "writing it down"-to chronicling what people are experiencing now, in their own words



值得注意的是,这些 PJP 参与者中有 12% 被认定为犹太人,这可能是由于康涅狄格大学犹太研究和当代犹太人生活中心(我们的赞助商之一)的传播努力 3 我们首先勾勒出 PJP 本身的轮廓,它是创建的捕捉冠状病毒大流行的真实情况,就像它开始动摇世界各地日常生活的基础一样,尤其是在像美国这样的高风险、高风险国家。在第 1 周,在贡献他们的第一篇日记之前,参与者要求完成基线调查(尽可能使用经过验证的调查问题),该调查涉及人口统计、COVID-19 暴露以及自我报告的身心健康状况 [ ] 其他分析项目,包括本文,将检查大流行对特定人口群体(由自我报告的性别、年龄、种族、宗教或其他特征或特征组合定义)的成员构成的挑战首先是“写下来”的承诺- 用他们自己的话记录人们现在正在经历的事情