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Jewish Studies in Times of Crisis
Jewish Social Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.2979/jewisocistud.26.1.01
Bemporad , Cohen , Kelman

The present crisis brought on by the "novel coronavirus" has arrived alongside other, less novel crises: the rise in ethnonationalism and repressive authoritarian regimes, increasing wealth disparities, human rights violations, a global refugee crisis, the ever-more apparent threats posed by climate change, and a growing awakening to the depth and complexities of racism and race-based violence, and to sexism and gender-based violence in the United States and beyond On the first page of the journal's first issue, Morris Raphael Cohen, one of its founding editors, tried to put the historical moment and the significance of the undertaking into context: [T]he friends of liberal democracy are beginning to realize that the gains of humane civilization, achieved at so much cost in the struggle of the ages, are threatened by the confessedly fanatic war of extermination against the Jews, since that is but a part of the war against all minorities and against all lovers of liberty of thought and conscience who cannot be regimented into the goose-stepping way of life 1 The journal, he hoped, would extend the work of the Conference on Jewish Relations, which he had founded a few years earlier with Salo Wittmayer Baron "2 With Hans Kohn, Cohen and Baron launched Jewish Social Studies to be a regular outlet for the work of the Conference 3 An early prospectus for the journal explained its rationale: "With the growing complexity and increasing importance of Jewish problems in the world in general and in the United States in particular, it has become a matter of the utmost necessity to have accurate and scientific information and interpretation concerning Jewish questions Similar patterns obtained in the realm of publishing: when Baron, Cohen, and Kohn joined forces to launch JSS in 1939, the number ofjournals dedicated to the scholarly study of Jewish subjects was much smaller than it is today 6 (Among the few such journals published in Europe during this time, those in Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and Soviet-occupied Eastern Europe soon either closed their doors or relocated to the United States 7) The locales in which Jewish Studies was pursued were also more constrained: in the years before the Second World War, as Jewish Studies was slowly taking root in the US and Palestine, Europe still held a significant gravitational pull



“新型冠状病毒”带来的当前危机与其他不那么新奇的危机同时到来:民族主义和专制专制政权的兴起、贫富差距的扩大、侵犯人权、全球难民危机、日益明显的威胁气候变化,人们越来越意识到种族主义和基于种族的暴力的深度和复杂性,以及美国及其他地区的性别歧视和基于性别的暴力。在该杂志第一期的第一页,莫里斯·拉斐尔·科恩 (Morris Raphael Cohen),其创始编辑试图将历史时刻和这项事业的意义置于背景中:[T]自由民主的朋友们开始意识到,人类文明的收获是在时代的斗争中付出了巨大的代价,受到公认的对犹太人的狂热的灭绝战争的威胁,因为那只是对所有少数群体和所有热爱思想和良心自由的人的战争的一部分,他们不能被控制在步履蹒跚的生活方式中 1 期刊他希望,能够扩展他几年前与萨洛·维特迈耶男爵 (Salo Wittmayer Baron)“2 与汉斯·科恩 (Hans Kohn) 共同创立的犹太社会研究会议 (Jewish Social Studies)”的工作,使其成为犹太社会研究工作的常规渠道。会议 3 该杂志的早期招股说明书解释了其基本原理:“随着犹太人问题在世界上,特别是在美国,日益复杂和日益重要,获得关于犹太人问题的准确和科学的信息和解释已成为极其必要的问题 在出版领域获得了类似的模式:当 Baron、Cohen 和 Kohn 于 1939 年联手推出 JSS 时,致力于对犹太学科的学术研究比现在小得多 6(在这段时间在欧洲出版的为数不多的此类期刊中,法西斯意大利、纳粹德国和苏联占领的东欧的那些期刊要么关门大吉,要么搬迁到美国。国家 7) 从事犹太研究的地区也受到更多限制:在第二次世界大战前的几年里,随着犹太研究在美国和巴勒斯坦慢慢扎根,欧洲仍然具有显着的引力欧洲仍然具有显着的引力欧洲仍然具有显着的引力致力于犹太学科学术研究的期刊数量比现在少得多 6(在此期间欧洲出版的少数此类期刊中,法西斯意大利、纳粹德国和苏联占领的东欧的期刊很快要么关闭7) 从事犹太研究的地区也受到更多限制:在第二次世界大战前的几年里,随着犹太研究在美国和巴勒斯坦慢慢扎根,欧洲仍然保持着重要的引力拉致力于犹太学科学术研究的期刊数量比现在少得多 6(在此期间欧洲出版的为数不多的此类期刊中,法西斯意大利、纳粹德国和苏联占领的东欧的那些期刊很快要么关闭7) 从事犹太研究的地区也受到更多限制:在第二次世界大战前的几年里,随着犹太研究在美国和巴勒斯坦慢慢扎根,欧洲仍然保持着重要的引力拉和被苏联占领的东欧很快要么关门大吉,要么搬迁到美国 7) 从事犹太研究的地区也受到更多限制:在第二次世界大战前的几年里,随着犹太研究在美国慢慢扎根。美国和巴勒斯坦,欧洲仍然具有显着的引力和被苏联占领的东欧很快要么关门大吉,要么搬迁到美国 7) 从事犹太研究的地区也受到更多限制:在第二次世界大战前的几年里,随着犹太研究在美国慢慢扎根。美国和巴勒斯坦,欧洲仍然具有显着的引力