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Ritual Consecration in the Context of Writing the Holy Scrolls: Jews in Medieval Europe between Demarcation and Acculturation
European Journal of Jewish Studies ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-10-05 , DOI: 10.1163/1872471x-11121052
Annett Martini

The objective of this article is to outline a hitherto neglected aspect of writing holy scrolls for ritual use, which in medieval Europe became a crucial subject of discussion: the ritual consecration of certain processes during the manufacturing of STaM with a special emphasis on writable skins. Taking into account Jewish and Christian sources, many of which have not been scrutinized to date, a paradox that perfectly reflects the ambivalent relationship of Jews and Christians in the Middle Ages will be revealed. On the one hand, the ritual sanctification can be read as an act of demarcation by which Jews drew a clear line between holy and profane—and Jews and non-Jews. On the other hand, it becomes evident that there was not only an artisanal exchange but a mutual interaction in terms of ritual and performance as well.



本文的目的是概述迄今为止被忽视的书写圣卷以供仪式使用的一个方面,这在中世纪的欧洲成为一个重要的讨论主题:在制造 STaM 期间对某些过程进行的仪式奉献,特别强调可写的皮肤。考虑到犹太人和基督教的资料,其中许多资料至今尚未经过仔细审查,一个完美反映中世纪犹太人和基督教徒矛盾关系的悖论将被揭示。一方面,仪式成圣可以被解读为一种分界行为,犹太人通过这种行为在圣洁与亵渎——以及犹太人与非犹太人之间划清界限。另一方面,很明显,不仅有手工交流,而且在仪式和表演方面也有相互的互动。