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Animal-borne video systems provide insight into the reproductive behavior of the Asian black bear
Ecology and Evolution ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-19 , DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7722
Tomoko Naganuma 1 , Mii Tanaka 2 , Shiori Tezuka 2 , Sam M J G Steyaert 3 , Kahoko Tochigi 4 , Akino Inagaki 4 , Hiroaki Myojo 4 , Koji Yamazaki 5 , Shinsuke Koike 1, 6

Previous studies on the mating system of the Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus) have been limited to observations of captive populations and estimations of multiple paternities. Hence, the mating system of wild bears remains poorly understood. Animal-borne camera systems (i.e., cameras mounted on animals) provide novel tools to study the behavior of elusive animals. Here, we used an animal-borne video system to record the activities of wild bears during the mating season. Video camera collars were attached to four adult Asian black bears (male “A” and “B,” and female “A” and “B”) captured in Tokyo, central Japan, in May and June 2018. The collars were retrieved in July 2018, after which the video data were downloaded and analyzed in terms of bear activity and mating behavior. All the bears were found to interact with other uniquely identifiable bears for some of the time (range 9–22 days) during the deployment period (range 36–45 days), and multiple mating in males was documented. Both males and females exhibited different behaviors on social days (i.e., days when the bear interacted with conspecifics) compared with solitary days (i.e., days with no observed interactions with conspecifics). Compared with solitary days, the bears spent a lower proportion of time on foraging activities and higher proportion of time on resting activities on social days. Our results suggest that Asian black bears have a polygamous mating system, as both sexes consort and potentially mate with multiple partners during a given mating season. Furthermore, bears appeared to reduce their foraging activities on social days and engaged more in social interactions.



先前对亚洲黑熊( Ursus thibetanus )交配系统的研究仅限于圈养种群的观察和多重亲子关系的估计。因此,人们对野熊的交配系统仍然知之甚少。动物摄像机系统(即安装在动物身上的摄像机)为研究难以捉摸的动物的行为提供了新颖的工具。在这里,我们使用动物传播的视频系统来记录野熊在交配季节的活动。 2018 年 5 月和 6 月在日本中部东京捕获的四只成年亚洲黑熊(雄性“A”和“B”,雌性“A”和“B”)上戴着摄像机项圈。这些项圈于 7 月被收回。 2018年,之后下载了视频数据并根据熊的活动和交配行为进行了分析。在部署期间(范围为 36-45 天),所有熊都被发现与其他独特的熊互动一段时间(范围为 9-22 天),并且记录了雄性的多次交配。与独居日(即没有观察到与同种动物互动的日子)相比,雄性和雌性在社交日(即熊与同种动物互动的日子)表现出不同的行为。与独处的日子相比,在社交日,熊用于觅食活动的时间比例较低,而用于休息活动的时间比例较高。我们的研究结果表明,亚洲黑熊具有一夫多妻制的交配系统,因为在特定的交配季节,两性都会与多个伙伴交配并可能与多个伙伴交配。此外,熊似乎减少了社交日的觅食活动,并更多地参与社交互动。