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Crystallization and Structural Solidification of Paraffins in Various Solvents
Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s10553-021-01244-9
E. A. Aleksandrova , B. L. Aleksandrov , Zh. T. Khadisova , Kh. Kh. Akhmadova , L. Sh. Makhmudova

The temperatures of the beginning of crystallization and solidification of solutions of petroleum and synthetic paraffins of different concentrations in nonpolar and weakly polar hydrocarbon solvents of different composition and viscosity are studied. Paraffins of different origin and hydrocarbon composition and with similar melting points are shown to have slightly different crystallization and solidification temperatures in a given solvent. The range between the temperatures of the beginning of crystallization and solidification of the studied paraffin solutions is established.



