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“Vielmehr Konstruktionen, Scharniere, Winkelzüge, Scherze”: Die junge Lyrik aus Österreich im Spielfeld von Tradition und Innovation
Journal of Austrian Studies ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/oas.2019.0004
Jadwiga Kita-Huber

Abstract:The main aim of the article is to describe new areas of poetic speech in young Austrian poetry, that is, from poets belonging to “Generation Y” or to the first generation of digital natives. The article focuses on poems that are situated among diff erent disciplines (word, music, and image), engage in language experimentation, and use and reflect the technical possibilities delivered by the internet. In what sense can we call this poetry “young” given that “young” does not always mean “new”? Moreover, this paper examines the extent to which poems refer to earlier traditions, especially to those of experimental poetry and language criticism. Given this background, the question arises whether this young poetry can or cannot be approached as a part of so-called litt eratura austriaca. The paper analyzes representative poems by Ann Cott en, Martin Fritz, Sophie Reyer, and Cornelia Travnicek.


“Vielmehr Konstruktionen、Scharniere、Winkelzüge、Scherze”:Die junge Lyrik aus Österreich im Spielfeld von Tradition und Innovation

摘要:文章的主要目的是描述奥地利青年诗歌中诗歌语言的新领域,即从属于“Y 一代”的诗人或第一代数字原住民的诗人。这篇文章侧重于位于不同学科(文字、音乐和图像)之间的诗歌,参与语言实验,并使用和反映互联网提供的技术可能性。鉴于“年轻”并不总是意味着“新”,我们在什么意义上可以称这首诗为“年轻”?此外,本文还考察了诗歌在多大程度上参考了早期传统,尤其是实验诗歌和语言批评的传统。在这种背景下,问题出现了,这首年轻的诗歌是否可以作为所谓的奥地利文学艺术的一部分来处理。论文分析了安·科特恩的代表诗,