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Veza Canetti im Kontext des Austromarxismus by Vreni Amsler
Journal of Austrian Studies ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/oas.2018.0028
Samuel J. Kessler

However, Janken also concludes that “this novel is an antiracist document worthy of an audience” (144) and overall, I am inclined to agree. Th e work off ers marvelous opportunities in today’s “German Literature in Translation” courses, especially for those who wish to explore vast and complex dialogues between Austria and the world at large, while also coming close to home for many American readers, who will fi nd the topics raised by the novel very relevant to the events surrounding them here and now. Adam J. Toth Ball State University


Veza Canetti im Kontext des Austromarxismus by Vreni Amsler

然而,Janken 还得出结论,“这部小说是值得一读的反种族主义文件”(144),总的来说,我倾向于同意。这部作品在当今的“德国翻译文学”课程中提供了绝妙的机会,特别是对于那些希望探索奥地利与整个世界之间广泛而复杂的对话的人来说,同时也为许多美国读者提供了近在咫尺的机会,他们将发现小说提出的主题与此时此地围绕它们的事件非常相关。亚当·J·托斯鲍尔州立大学