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"So Many Books, So Little Time"
portal: Libraries and the Academy ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/pla.2018.0011
Sara Dreyfuss

Do you give up on a book after a few dozen pages if you are not enjoying it? Or do you always finish what you start? Most avid readers fall into one of those two groups. Goodreads, an Amazon website that specializes in book reviews and recommendations, polled its users on that issue in 2013. About 44 percent of respondents admitted that they stopped reading before the 100-page mark if a book bored them. Another 38 percent said they always finish their books, no matter what.1



如果你不喜欢一本书,你会在读了几十页后放弃吗?或者你总是完成你开始的事情?大多数狂热的读者都属于这两个群体之一。Goodreads 是亚马逊专门提供书评和推荐的网站,2013 年就该问题对其用户进行了民意调查。大约 44% 的受访者承认,如果一本书让他们感到厌烦,他们会在 100 页之前停止阅读。另有 38% 的人表示,无论如何,他们总是能完成书本。1