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Open Leadership for a Vibrant Future
portal: Libraries and the Academy ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/pla.2019.0021
Barbara I. Dewey

O access is a growing movement that promises to transform universities, libraries, and other academic institutions by making scholarly research freely available to the public, without restrictions. In the spirit of open access, it makes sense to also focus on open leadership. Transparent, inclusive, and accessible leaders exemplify the open leadership approach. Perhaps the opposite of the smoke-filled rooms, exclusive clubs, the glass ceiling firmly fastened, or a narrow fast lane, open leadership provides avenues for broad input and participation into decision making. Open leadership, like open access, provides a key to new discoveries and understandings in the process of knowledge creation. Open leadership reveals new and effective road maps for successful decision-making. People working in this mode have access to a deeper, broader, and more diverse base of expertise. Open leadership leverages brain power to address a multitude of challenges. Open leadership is sustainable, empathetic, and the right thing to do.



O access 是一项不断发展的运动,它有望通过向公众免费提供学术研究,而不受限制地改变大学、图书馆和其他学术机构。本着开放获取的精神,关注开放式领导力也是有道理的。透明、包容和可访问的领导者是开放式领导方法的典范。也许与烟雾缭绕的房间、专属俱乐部、牢牢固定的玻璃天花板或狭窄的快车道相反,开放式领导为广泛的投入和参与决策提供了途径。开放式领导与开放获取一样,为知识创造过程中的新发现和新理解提供了一把钥匙。开放式领导揭示了成功决策的新的有效路线图。在这种模式下工作的人可以接触到更深、更广、以及更多样化的专业基础。开放式领导利用脑力来应对众多挑战。开放式领导是可持续的、善解人意的,而且是正确的做法。