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Guantánamo Diary and African Studies
African Studies Review ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1017/asr.2020.39
Benjamin N. Lawrance

TheMauritanian citizenMohamedouOuld Slahi was kidnapped and illegally detained for fourteen years, first in Jordan, then in Afghanistan, and finally at Guantánamo Bay Naval Base, from 2002 until October of 2016. During the first years of his incarceration, Slahi learned English from his captors and torturers. Slahi wrote a prison diary, a form ofmemoir, in 2005 in English, the first of its kind. While initially seized by the U.S. military, it was subsequently declassified in 2012 by the U.S. government with extensive redactions. First excerpted in Slate magazine, the 466-page work, edited by Larry Siems, was published as Guantánamo Diary in January 2015, and it became an immediate international bestseller. A digitization of the handwritten manuscript is available online. A complete unredacted text, restored by Slahi himself from memory, appeared in print in 2017. The publisher’s website includes interviews and new stories, along with an animated documentary. A feature film version is slated to appear in late 2020. I first became aware of Slahi’s ordeal during a fellowship year at the Kroc Institute for Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. Students in an international studies course read Guantánamo Diary and, along with faculty, organized a panel featuring, among others, Slahi’s editor, Siems, and Slahi himself live via satellite from Nouakchott. To a packed theater, Slahi delivered an extraordinary plea for understanding and forgiveness. I left the theater overwhelmed with grief at the horrific human rights violations he had experienced courtesy of my government, but equally astonished at his capacity for compassion and reconciliation. I contacted Siems and then reached out to Slahi via email, keen to bring his story to a wider African studies audience. The African Studies Review convened a special forum at the 2018 61 AnnualMeeting in Atlanta to revisit this important work from the perspective of interdisciplinary African studies. My first point of scholarly engagement intersected with Slahi’s experience of coerced removal and exile. At the time, I was completing a book with Nathan Riley Carpenter on the history and present of exile in Africa (Carpenter & Lawrance 2018). The second entrée



从 2002 年到 2016 年 10 月,毛里塔尼亚公民 MohamedouOuld Slahi 被绑架并非法拘留了 14 年,首先在约旦,然后在阿富汗,最后在关塔那摩湾海军基地。折磨者。斯拉希在 2005 年用英语写了一本监狱日记,这是一种回忆录,这是同类中的第一篇。虽然最初被美国军方没收,但随后在 2012 年被美国政府解密,并进行了广泛的修改。这部由拉里·西姆斯 (Larry Siems) 编辑的 466 页作品首次摘录于 Slate 杂志,于 2015 年 1 月作为关塔那摩日记出版,并立即成为国际畅销书。手写手稿的数字化可在线获取。一个完整的未经编辑的文本,由 Slahi 自己从记忆中恢复,出版于 2017 年。出版商的网站包括采访和新故事,以及一部动画纪录片。故事片版本计划于 2020 年末上映。我在印第安纳州南本德圣母大学克罗克和平研究所的奖学金年期间首次了解到 Slahi 的磨难。国际研究课程的学生阅读关塔那摩日记,并与教员一起组织了一个小组,其中包括 Slahi 的编辑 Siems 和 Slahi 本人通过努瓦克肖特的卫星直播。在座无虚席的剧院,Slahi 发出了非凡的请求,请求理解和宽恕。离开剧院时,我对他经历了我的政府礼貌的可怕侵犯人权行为感到悲痛,但同样对他的同情与和解能力感到惊讶。我联系了 Siems,然后通过电子邮件联系了 Slahi,渴望将他的故事带给更广泛的非洲研究受众。《非洲研究评论》在亚特兰大 2018 年第 61 届年会上召集了一个特别论坛,从跨学科非洲研究的角度重新审视这项重要工作。我的第一个学术参与点与 Slahi 被强迫迁离和流放的经历相交。当时,我正在与 Nathan Riley Carpenter 完成一本关于流亡非洲的历史和现状的书(Carpenter & Lawrance 2018)。第二道菜 我的第一个学术参与点与 Slahi 被强迫迁离和流放的经历相交。当时,我正在与 Nathan Riley Carpenter 完成一本关于流亡非洲的历史和现状的书(Carpenter & Lawrance 2018)。第二道菜 我的第一个学术参与点与 Slahi 被强迫迁离和流放的经历相交。当时,我正在与 Nathan Riley Carpenter 完成一本关于流亡非洲的历史和现状的书(Carpenter & Lawrance 2018)。第二道菜