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The second warning to humanity: contributions and solutions from conservation physiology
Conservation Physiology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-26 , DOI: 10.1093/conphys/coab038
Christine L Madliger 1 , Craig E Franklin 2 , Steven L Chown 3 , Andrea Fuller 4 , Kevin R Hultine 5 , David Costantini 6 , William A Hopkins 7 , Myron A Peck 8 , Jodie L Rummer 9 , Lawren Sack 10 , Craig K R Willis 11 , Steven J Cooke 1

In 1992, the Union of Concerned Scientists shared their ‘World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity’ with governmental leaders worldwide, calling for immediate action to halt the environmental degradation that threatens the systems that support life on Earth. A follow-up ‘Second Warning’ was released in 2017, with over 15 000 scientists as signatories, describing the lack of progress in adopting the sustainable practices necessary to safeguard the biosphere. In their ‘Second Warning’, Ripple and colleagues provided 13 ‘diverse and effective steps humanity can take to transition to sustainability.’ Here, we discuss how the field of conservation physiology can contribute to six of these goals: (i) prioritizing connected, well-managed reserves; (ii) halting the conversion of native habitats to maintain ecosystem services; (iii) restoring native plant communities; (iv) rewilding regions with native species; (v) developing policy instruments; and (vi) increasing outdoor education, societal engagement and reverence for nature. Throughout, we focus our recommendations on specific aspects of physiological function while acknowledging that the exact traits that will be useful in each context are often still being determined and refined. However, for each goal, we include a short case study to illustrate a specific physiological trait or group of traits that is already being utilized in that context. We conclude with suggestions for how conservation physiologists can broaden the impact of their science aimed at accomplishing the goals of the ‘Second Warning’. Overall, we provide an overview of how conservation physiology can contribute to addressing the grand socio-environmental challenges of our time.



1992 年,忧思科学家联盟与世界各地的政府领导人分享了他们的“世界科学家对人类的警告”,呼吁立即采取行动制止威胁支持地球生命的系统的环境退化。2017 年发布了后续“第二次警告”,有超过 15000 名科学家签署,描述了在采用保护生物圈所需的可持续实践方面缺乏进展。在他们的“第二次警告”中,Ripple 及其同事提供了 13 个“人类可以采取的多样化而有效的步骤来过渡到可持续发展”。在这里,我们讨论保护生理学领域如何为其中六个目标做出贡献:(i)优先考虑连接的、管理良好的保护区;(ii) 停止改变原生栖息地以维持生态系统服务;(iii) 恢复本地植物群落;(iv) 本地物种的野化区域;㈤ 制定政策工具;(vi) 增加户外教育、社会参与和对自然的敬畏。在整个过程中,我们将我们的建议集中在生理功能的特定方面,同时承认在每种情况下有用的确切特征通常仍在确定和完善中。但是,对于每个目标,我们都包含一个简短的案例研究,以说明已经在该上下文中使用的特定生理特征或一组特征。最后,我们提出了保护生理学家如何扩大其旨在实现“第二次警告”目标的科学影响的建议。全面的,