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Distinctive genetic signatures of two fairy shrimp species with overlapping ranges in Iberian temporary ponds
Freshwater Biology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-18 , DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13782
Regina Lopes da Cunha 1 , Jordi Sala 2 , Margarida Machado 1 , Dani Boix 2 , Celine Madeira 1 , Pedro Madeira 1 , Margarida Cristo 1 , Luís Cancela da Fonseca 3, 4 , Rita Castilho 1

  1. Temporary lentic water bodies host biotic assemblages adapted to the transient nature of these freshwater habitats. Fairy shrimps (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostraca) are one of the most important biological components of these unique environments and have a fossil record dating back to the Middle Jurassic (>150 million years).
  2. Some anostracan species show a geographically restricted distribution, whereas others are widely dispersed. We aimed to investigate the relationship between different geographic extents and patterns of genetic structure in species of Anostraca. Following this objective, we selected two species with contrasting ranges but overlapping geographic distributions and similar life-history traits in the study area. We analysed additional information that, from an ecological (e.g. egg-bank, niche breadth, and pond connectivity) and evolutionary (e.g. crown-group age of each species) perspective, may explain the obtained phylogeographic patterns.
  3. Between 2005 and 2018, we sampled two species of fairy shrimps (309 specimens of Branchipus cortesi and 264 specimens of Tanymastix stagnalis) from 53 temporary ponds of Portugal. We added five other locations from Spain and France to include other European locations for T. stagnalis. Additionally, we also sampled Branchipus schaefferi from two temporary water bodies (Spain and Morocco) to include in the dating analysis.
  4. Reconstructed phylogenies based on mitochondrial sequence data indicate the existence of deeply divergent clades with an unequivocal phylogeographic structure in T. stagnalis and shallower divergences in B. cortesi with a less clear geographic correspondence. We found evidence of frequent local and rare long-distance dispersal events in both species and limited intermediate dispersal, which was more common in B. cortesi. A Bayesian dating analysis using the Branchiopoda fossil record estimated the age of the most recent common ancestors of T. stagnalis and B. cortesi at 32.4 and 12.8 million years, respectively.
  5. Haplotype accumulation curves indicated that only a portion of the genetic composition of the species was sampled on each hydroperiod and showed the existence of large, genetically diverse egg banks that remain in the soil. These egg banks represent a genetic reservoir that guarantees the survival of the species because active populations from different hydroperiods may be genetically different and adapt to a changing environment.
  6. We hypothesise that the contrasting phylogeographic patterns displayed by the two fairy shrimp species may result from: (1) the earlier age of the most recent common ancestor of T. stagnalis, as older species have more time to accumulate mutations and, thus, are expected to exhibit higher genetic differentiation among populations; (2) slight differences in adult behaviour, life-history traits and cyst morphologies of T. stagnalis and B. cortesi favouring different animal dispersal vectors with distinct dispersal abilities. Therefore, phylogeographic patterns may be explained by both evolutionary and ecological processes, which operate in different time scales.



  1. 临时静水水体拥有适应这些淡水栖息地瞬态性质的生物组合。仙虾(甲壳纲、鳃足纲、无尾目)是这些独特环境中最重要的生物成分之一,其化石记录可追溯到中侏罗世(> 1.5 亿年)。
  2. 一些 anostracan 物种表现出地理上的限制分布,而其他物种则广泛分布。我们的目的是调查不同地理范围与 Anostraca 物种遗传结构模式之间的关系。遵循这一目标,我们选择了研究区域内分布范围不同但地理分布重叠且生活史特征相似的两个物种。我们分析了额外的信息,从生态(例如卵库、生态位宽度和池塘连通性)和进化(例如每个物种的冠群年龄)的角度来看,可以解释获得的系统地理学模式。
  3. 2005 年至 2018 年间,我们从葡萄牙 53 个临时池塘中抽取了两种仙虾(309 只虾蛄标本和 264 只Tanymastix stagnalis标本)。我们添加了来自西班牙和法国的其他五个地点,以包括T 的其他欧洲地点。斯塔纳利斯。此外,我们还从两个临时水体(西班牙和摩洛哥)中采样了Branchipus schaefferi,以纳入年代分析。
  4. 基于线粒体序列数据重建的系统发育表明在T 中存在具有明确系统地理学结构的深度分歧进化枝。B 中的停滞和较浅的分歧。cortesi具有不太明确的地理对应关系。我们发现了两种物种中频繁的局部和罕见的长距离传播事件的证据,以及有限的中间传播,这在B中更为常见。Cortesi的。使用 Branchiopoda 化石记录进行的贝叶斯测年分析估计了T 的最近共同祖先的年龄。stagnalisB . 科尔特西 分别为 32.4 和 1280 万年。
  5. 单倍型积累曲线表明,在每个水周期中,仅对该物种的一部分遗传组成进行了采样,并表明存在保留在土壤中的大型遗传多样性卵库。这些卵库代表了保证物种生存的遗传库,因为来自不同水周期的活跃种群可能在遗传上不同并适应不断变化的环境。
  6. 我们假设这两种仙虾物种所显示的对比系统地理学模式可能源于:(1)T 的最近共同祖先的较早年龄。stagnalis,因为较老的物种有更多的时间积累突变,因此预计在种群之间表现出更高的遗传分化;(2) T 的成虫行为、生活史特征和囊肿形态略有不同。stagnalisB . cortesi偏爱具有不同传播能力的不同动物传播载体。因此,系统地理学模式可以通过在不同时间尺度上运行的进化和生态过程来解释。