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‘Staying Apart Yet Keeping Together’: Challenges and Opportunities of Teaching During COVID-19 Across the Tasman
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s40841-021-00211-6
Dawn Joseph 1 , Robyn Trinick 2

COVID-19 has had a profound effect on higher education institutions across the world. The rapid shift to blended teaching has meant changes to ways of teaching and learning. Author One (Australia) and Author Two (New Zealand) are tertiary academics in initial teacher education programmes. In this paper, they draw on narrative enquiry as a way to tell their stories of how they had to rapidly move from of face-to-face teaching to an emergency situation of online (cloud) teaching and learning. Through shared reflection, they offer a snapshot of their lived experience teaching music education, managing students and staff. In the findings, they discuss key challenges and opportunities they encountered in relation to student participation and engagement, teaching and learning, and wellbeing. Staying connected with each other across the Tasman Sea, using email and Zoom were important forms of providing mutual support that contributed positively to their sense of wellbeing as academics during this stressful time. They contend that universities need to consider the more human aspect of changes that have impacted staff and students. They question what the future will hold for initial teacher education programs post 2020. They suggest working collaboratively with schools, professional organisations, and industry when designing new programmes as the landscape of higher education changes due to the ongoing pandemic.


“分开但在一起”:塔斯曼地区 COVID-19 期间教学的挑战和机遇

COVID-19 对世界各地的高等教育机构产生了深远的影响。向混合式教学的快速转变意味着教学方式的改变。第一作者(澳大利亚)和第二作者(新西兰)是初级教师教育项目的高等教育学者。在本文中,他们利用叙事探究的方式来讲述他们的故事,讲述他们如何迅速从面对面教学转向在线(云)教学的紧急情况。通过共同反思,他们概述了自己在音乐教育、管理学生和教职员工方面的生活经验。在调查结果中,他们讨论了在学生参与、教学以及福祉方面遇到的主要挑战和机遇。跨越塔斯曼海、使用电子邮件和 Zoom 保持联系是提供相互支持的重要形式,在这个充满压力的时期,这对他们作为学者的幸福感做出了积极贡献。他们认为,大学需要考虑影响教职员工和学生的变化的更人性化的方面。他们质疑 2020 年后初始教师教育项目的未来会怎样。他们建议在设计新项目时与学校、专业组织和行业合作,因为当前的大流行导致高等教育格局发生变化。
