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The Major Health Implications of Social Connection
Current Directions in Psychological Science ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-18 , DOI: 10.1177/0963721421999630
Julianne Holt-Lunstad 1

The influence of social relationships extends beyond emotional well-being to influence long-term physical-health outcomes, including mortality risk. Despite the varied measurement approaches used to examine social relationships within the health literature, the data can be synthesized using social connection as an organizing framework. This review discusses cumulative scientific evidence of links between various aspects of social connection and mortality, as well as supporting evidence for links with morbidity and plausible mechanisms. This evidence fulfills the criteria outlined in the Bradford Hill guidelines for establishing causality. Despite strong evidence currently available, several gaps remain and will need to be addressed if society is to rise to the challenge of developing effective interventions to reduce risk associated with social disconnection. This evidence has important broader implications for medical practice and public health.



社会关系的影响不仅限于情绪健康,还会影响长期的身体健康结果,包括死亡风险。尽管用于检查健康文献中的社会关系的测量方法多种多样,但可以使用社会关系作为组织框架来合成数据。本综述讨论了社会联系和死亡率的各个方面之间联系的累积科学证据,以及与发病率和似是而非的机制联系的支持证据。该证据符合 Bradford Hill 建立因果关系指南中概述的标准。尽管目前有强有力的证据,如果社会要迎接挑战,制定有效的干预措施以减少与社会脱节相关的风险,那么仍然存在一些差距,需要解决这些差距。这一证据对医疗实践和公共卫生具有重要的更广泛的影响。
