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Horizontal and vertical migration behavior of silver-phase Japanese eels in coastal, pelagic and spawning areas observed by pop-up satellite archival tags
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2021.151587
Takatoshi Higuchi , Shun Watanabe , Ryotaro Manabe , Akira Tanimoto , Michael J. Miller , Takahito Kojima , Katsumi Tsukamoto

Pop-up satellite archival tags (PSAT) have been used to study the mysterious open ocean spawning migrations of several anguillid eel species including the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. To compare migration behaviors of Japanese eels in each general geographic region of their spawning migration, 7 silver eels (852–992 cm, 1095–1809 g) were tracked with PSATs and their swimming behaviors in regions of east of Japan, south of the Ogasawara Islands, and in their spawning area was analyzed. Three eels released from coastal Japan migrated east or southeastward, likely including some transport by the Kuroshio in the initial phase of the spawning migration. An eel released from the coast of Japan changed swimming depths as it crossed meanders and different water masses on different sides of the eastward flow of the Kuroshio Extension. An eel released west of the Ogasawara Islands moved mostly southward from the release site toward the spawning area where an eel released in the spawning area showed very stable diel vertical migrations (DVM). Five eels showed stable DVM for 9–47 days (60.0–72.1%) of the tracking periods (14–69 days), and 2 other eels showed abnormal behaviors. The daily rhythms of DVM behavior transitioned between shallower/warmer water at night (12.0–535.2 m/12.5–24.5 °C) and deeper/colder water during daytime (593.0–941.0 m/4.5–9.5 °C). The swimming depths of 5 eels had positive correlations with lunar age, moon altitude and sun altitude. Eels experienced almost the same daytime minimum water temperature (5.7 ± 0.98 °C) in the 3 areas regardless of depth, suggesting that they stop descending when they reach a temperature of approximately 5 °C. The ascending and descending occurred between around sunset and dusk, and dawn and sunrise, respectively. Three eels were ingested by predators near dawn (5:05–6:35) at depths of 119.5, 59, and 423.5 m when the eels start the decent phase of their DVM. Potential predators were estimated to be fish that have heat conservation ability such as tuna and swordfish based on rapid increases in recorded temperature. This study suggests that Japanese eels probably use similar DVM behaviors regardless of the location or environmental conditions during their spawning migration and that the swimming depths are determined by light and thermal environments. These behaviors are likely essential for predation avoidance.



弹出式卫星档案标签(PSAT)已经被用于研究神秘的开放的海洋产卵数鳗鲡物种,包括日本鳗鲡的迁移鳗鲡。为了比较日本鳗鱼在产卵迁徙的每个一般地理区域的迁徙行为,使用 PSAT 跟踪了 7 条银鳗(852-992 厘米,1095-1809 克)及其在日本东部、小笠原以南地区的游泳行为岛屿,并对其产卵区进行了分析。从日本沿海释放的三条鳗鱼向东或向东南迁移,可能包括在产卵迁移的初始阶段由黑潮进行的一些运输。一条从日本海岸放生的鳗鱼在穿越蜿蜒曲折时改变了游泳深度黑潮延伸段东流不同侧的不同水团。在小笠原群岛以西放生的鳗鱼大多从放生地点向南向产卵区移动,在产卵区放生的鳗鱼表现出非常稳定的饮食垂直迁移 (DVM)。5 条鳗鱼在 9-47 天(60.0-72.1%)的跟踪期(14-69 天)内表现出稳定的 DVM,另外 2 条鳗鱼表现出异常行为。DVM 行为的日常节奏在夜间较浅/较温暖的水 (12.0–535.2 m/12.5–24.5 °C) 和白天较深/较冷的水 (593.0–941.0 m/4.5–9.5 °C) 之间转换。5条鳗鱼的游泳深度与月龄、月球高度和太阳高度呈正相关。无论深度如何,鳗鱼在 3 个区域经历了几乎相同的白天最低水温 (5.7 ± 0.98 °C),表明它们在达到大约 5°C 的温度时会停止下降。上升和下降分别发生在日落和黄昏,黎明和日出之间。当鳗鱼开始其 DVM 的体面阶段时,三条鳗鱼在黎明时分 (5:05–6:35) 在 119.5、59 和 423.5 m 的深度被捕食者吞食。根据记录的温度迅速升高,估计潜在的捕食者是具有保温能力的鱼类,如金枪鱼和箭鱼。这项研究表明,日本鳗鱼在产卵洄游过程中无论位置或环境条件如何,都可能使用类似的 DVM 行为,并且游动深度由光线和光线决定。上升和下降分别发生在日落和黄昏,黎明和日出之间。当鳗鱼开始其 DVM 的体面阶段时,三条鳗鱼在黎明时分 (5:05–6:35) 在 119.5、59 和 423.5 m 的深度被捕食者吞食。根据记录的温度迅速升高,估计潜在的捕食者是具有保温能力的鱼类,如金枪鱼和箭鱼。这项研究表明,日本鳗鱼在产卵洄游过程中无论位置或环境条件如何,都可能使用类似的 DVM 行为,并且游动深度由光线和光线决定。上升和下降分别发生在日落和黄昏,黎明和日出之间。当鳗鱼开始其 DVM 的体面阶段时,三条鳗鱼在黎明时分 (5:05–6:35) 在 119.5、59 和 423.5 m 的深度被捕食者吞食。根据记录的温度迅速升高,估计潜在的捕食者是具有保温能力的鱼类,如金枪鱼和箭鱼。这项研究表明,日本鳗鱼在产卵洄游过程中无论位置或环境条件如何,都可能使用类似的 DVM 行为,并且游动深度由光线和光线决定。根据记录的温度迅速升高,估计潜在的捕食者是具有保温能力的鱼类,如金枪鱼和箭鱼。这项研究表明,日本鳗鱼在产卵洄游过程中无论位置或环境条件如何,都可能使用类似的 DVM 行为,并且游动深度由光线和光线决定。根据记录的温度迅速升高,估计潜在的捕食者是具有保温能力的鱼类,如金枪鱼和箭鱼。这项研究表明,日本鳗鱼在产卵洄游过程中无论位置或环境条件如何,都可能使用类似的 DVM 行为,并且游动深度由光线和光线决定。热环境。这些行为可能对于避免捕食是必不可少的。
