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A tale of two nearby dwarf irregular galaxies WLM and IC 2574: As revealed by UVIT
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s12036-021-09761-z
Chayan Mondal , Annapurni Subramaniam , Koshy George

We present an ultra-violet study of two nearby dwarf irregular galaxies WLM and IC 2574, using the Far-UV and Near-UV data from the Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT). We used the F148W band Far-UV images and identified 180 and 782 young star-forming clumps in WLM and IC 2574, respectively. The identified clumps have sizes between 7–30 pc in WLM and 26–150 pc in IC 2574. We noticed more prominent hierarchical splitting in the structure of star-forming regions at different flux levels in IC 2574 than WLM. We found that the majority of the clumps have elongated shapes in the sky plane with ellipticity (\(\epsilon \)) greater than 0.6 in both the galaxies. The major axis of the identified clumps is found to show no specific trend of orientation in IC 2574, whereas in WLM the majority are aligned along south-west to north-east direction. We estimated (F148W–N242W) colour for the clumps identified in WLM and noticed that the younger ones (with (F148W–N242W) \(<-0.5\)) are smaller in size (<10 pc) and are located mostly in the southern half of the galaxy between galactocentric radii 0.4–0.8 kpc.


两个附近矮不规则星系 WLM 和 IC 2574 的故事:正如 UVIT 所揭示的那样

我们使用来自紫外成像望远镜 (UVIT) 的远紫外和近紫外数据,对附近的两个矮不规则星系 WLM 和 IC 2574 进行了紫外研究。我们使用 F148W 波段远紫外图像并分别在 WLM 和 IC 2574 中识别出 180 和 782 个年轻的恒星形成团块。已识别的团块在 WLM 中的大小介于 7-30 pc 和 IC 2574 中的 26-150 pc 之间。我们注意到 IC 2574 中不同通量水平的恒星形成区域的结构比 WLM 更突出。我们发现大多数团块在天空平面中具有椭圆度(\(\epsilon \)) 在两个星系中都大于 0.6。发现已识别团块的主轴在 IC 2574 中没有显示出特定的方向趋势,而在 WLM 中,大部分沿西南到东北方向排列。我们估计了 WLM 中识别的团块的 (F148W–N242W) 颜色,并注意到较年轻的团块(具有 (F148W–N242W) \(<-0.5\))尺寸较小(<10 pc)并且主要位于银河系的南半部在半乳中心半径 0.4-0.8 kpc 之间。
