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Effect of sowing dates, intra-row spacings and pesticides on cowpea pod borer, Maruca vitrata (Fab.) [Lepidoptera: Crambidae] populations on cowpea, Vigna unguiculata L. (Walp) in Katsina, Sudan savanna
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s42690-021-00576-7
A. Muhammad , A. M. Malgwi , H. Nahunnaro , R. S. Adamu , M. Tamò , E. Dannon , B. Datinon

A combination of intra-row spacing, sowing date, and pesticides on M. vitrata was carried out during the rainy seasons of 2015 and 2016 respectively in Katsina, towards developing an integrated pest management on cowpea. The experiment was laid out using split-split plot design. Intra-row spacing and sowing date were respectively allocated to the main and sub-plots while pesticides consisting of biopesticides, neem kernel seed extract (NKE), Maruca vitrata Multi-Nucleopolyhedrosis (MaviMNPV) viral suspension and a synthetic insecticide (Cyper diforce) were allocated to the sub-sub-plot. The treatments were randomized and replicated three times. Data collected were subjected to the analysis of variance and means were separated using LSD at 5%. The result showed that varying cowpea sowing from 2nd July significantly reduced pod borer populations in flowers in all the samplings. The lowest means were recorded in cowpea sown on the 13th August. The effect of pesticides showed that plots treated with either of the pesticide significantly recorded lower mean populations of M. vitrata compared with the control. However, their effects were statistically similar. Varying sowing dates was also observed to record lower mean populations of M. vitrata in cowpea pods sampled 10 weeks after sowing (WAS). The result of the combined analysis showed that cowpea sown on the 2nd July significantly record higher population means and the least was obtained in cowpea sown on the 13th August respectively. The effect among pesticides was statistically similar. However, plots treated with NKE recorded lower mean populations of M. vitrata. Therefore, it is recommended that varying cowpea sowing and use of pesticides intervention will reduce M. vitrata population on cowpea and consequently reduce cowpea damage in the study area.


播种日期、行间距和杀虫剂对豇豆螟螟的影响,Maruca vitrata (Fab.) [鳞翅目:Crambidae] 对豇豆豇豆,豇豆豇豆 (Walp) 种群的影响,苏丹稀树草原

分别在 2015 年和 2016 年的雨季在 Katsina对M. vitrata进行了行间距、播种日期和杀虫剂的组合,以开发豇豆病虫害综合治理。实验采用裂区设计。行距和播期分别分配给主地和副地,而农药包括生物农药、印楝仁种子提取物(NKE)、马鲁卡维特拉塔Maruca vitrata)多核多角体 (MaviMNPV) 病毒悬浮液和合成杀虫剂 (Cyper diforce) 被分配到子子小区。处理随机化并重复 3 次。对收集的数据进行方差分析,并使用 5% 的 LSD 将平均值分开。结果表明,从 7 月 2 日开始不同的豇豆播种显着减少了所有样本中花中的豆螟种群。最低均值记录在 8 月 13 日播种的豇豆中。杀虫剂的影响表明,与对照相比,用任何一种杀虫剂处理的地块记录的M. vitrata平均种群显着降低。然而,它们的效果在统计上是相似的。还观察到不同的播种日期记录了较低的M. vitrata平均种群在播种后 10 周 (WAS) 对豇豆荚取样。综合分析结果表明,7月2日播种的豇豆的种群均值显着高于8月13日播种的豇豆。农药之间的影响在统计上是相似的。然而,用 NKE 处理的地块记录了较低的M. vitrata平均种群因此,建议改变豇豆播种和使用农药干预将减少豇豆上的M. vitrata种群,从而减少研究区豇豆的危害。
