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Limnoperna fortunei colonization and macrofouling on net cages in a subtropical reservoir (Brazil)
Aquaculture Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-17 , DOI: 10.1111/are.15417
Daercy Maria Monteiro de Rezende Ayroza 1 , Taissa Juliana Melo 2 , Lilian Paula Faria‐Pereira 1 , Maria Letizia Petesse 3 , Mauro de Freitas Rebelo 4 , Clóvis Ferreira Carmo 1 , Daniel Hugo Cataldo 5

We evaluated the spatiotemporal distribution of Limnoperna fortunei larvae, its abundance in relation to other zooplanktonic organisms (copepoda and cladocerans), and its macrofouling on net cages in the Chavantes Reservoir, Brazil. We also estimated its growth rate under this condition and limnological variables in the water column. Zooplankton densities were positively related to water temperature, and copepoda was the most abundant group. L. fortunei showed the highest density in November and March (18.565 to 30.014 larvae/m3) and the lowest from June to August (1.587 to 876 larvae/m3). Population parameters of L. fortunei, as derived from von Bertalanffy seasonal growth function, indicated fast annual growth (K = 1.22) in length in the first, second and third years of life at 21, 28, and 30 mm, respectively. We estimate that 62.920 juveniles/m2 will be recruited annually in fish farming, mainly in the reproductive period, which should be the focus of prevention methods. Our work is the first report to associate the abundance of L. fortunei larvae in the water column with the recruitment of juveniles.


亚热带水库网箱上的 Limnoperna Fortunei 定植和大型污垢(巴西)

我们评估了Limnoperna Fortunei幼虫的时空分布、其与其他浮游动物生物(桡足类和枝角类动物)的丰度及其在巴西 Chavantes 水库网箱上的大型污垢。我们还估计了它在这种条件下的增长率和水体中的湖沼学变量。浮游动物密度与水温呈正相关,桡足类是最丰富的群体。Fortunei的密度在 11 月和 3 月最高(18.565 至 30.014 条幼虫/m 3),6 月至 8 月最低(1.587 至 876 条幼虫/m 3)。L 的总体参数。幸运儿源自 von Bertalanffy 季节性增长函数,表明 在生命的第一年、第二年和第三年,长度分别为 21、28 和 30 毫米,年增长率快速增长(K = 1.22)。我们估计每年将在养鱼中招募62.920 条幼鱼/m 2,主要是在繁殖期,这应该是预防方法的重点。我们的工作是第一份关联L丰度的报告。Fortunei幼虫在水柱中招募幼虫。