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British Journal of Social Psychology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-17 , DOI: 10.1111/bjso.12461

Correction in the paper by Kotzur et al. (2020), ‘Society thinks they are cold and/or incompetent, but I do not’, stereotype content ratings depend on instructions and the social group's location in the stereotype content space.

While doing reanalysis, the authors noticed two errors in the preliminary analyses. The authors mistakenly freed one equality constraint too many during the partial measurement testing in study 2, group Turks (Table 5), and study 3, group Bulgarians (Table 8). The error did not substantially influence the subsequent mean value comparisons (Tables 6 and 9). The main message of the studies also remained the same. That is, the direction and significance of the affected coefficients remained the same, only the size changed a little. The corrected tables (Tables 5, 6, 8, and 9) are as below, with changed parameters highlighted in bold:

Table 5. Study 2: Results of measurement invariance testing across experimental conditions for social groups that previously produced measurement models with satisfactory model fit in both experimental conditions separately
n urn:x-wiley:01446665:media:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0001 df p urn:x-wiley:01446665:media:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0002 /df RMSEA CFI SRMR Δurn:x-wiley:01446665:media:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0003 Δdf p
Configural 126 53.66 42 .107 1.28 .05 .96 .07
Metric 126 54.34 46 .187 1.18 .04 .97 .08 1.47 4 .832
Scalar 126 57.32 50 .222 1.15 .03 .97 .08 3.11 4 .539
Configural 126 84.20 64 .046 1.32 .05 .96 .08
Metric 126 98.02 69 .012 1.42 .06 .94 .09 13.26 5 .021
Partial metric 126 84.80 68 .082 1.25 .04 .97 .08 0.94 4 .919
Scalar 126 91.64 71 .050 1.29 .05 .96 .08 7.26 3 .064
Configural 126 145.79 90 .000 1.62 .07 .91 .08
Configural 126 54.81 42 .089 1.30 .05 .97 .06
Metric 126 59.08 46 .093 1.64 .05 .97 .06 4.40 4 .355
Scalar 126 66.51 50 .059 1.33 .05 .96 .06 7.64 4 .106
Configurala a Includes Haywood case. We refrained from testing for metric and scalar invariance for physicians, since the previous model did not reach configural invariance. Δurn:x-wiley:01446665:media:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0004, Δdf, and p refer to chi-square difference test results with the Satorra–Bentler scaling correction (more freely estimated model vs. more constrained model).
126 48.22 42 .236 1.15 .03 .98 .06
Metrica a Includes Haywood case. We refrained from testing for metric and scalar invariance for physicians, since the previous model did not reach configural invariance. Δurn:x-wiley:01446665:media:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0004, Δdf, and p refer to chi-square difference test results with the Satorra–Bentler scaling correction (more freely estimated model vs. more constrained model).
126 60.56 46 .074 1.32 .05 .96 .09 12.68 4 .013
Partial metrica a Includes Haywood case. We refrained from testing for metric and scalar invariance for physicians, since the previous model did not reach configural invariance. Δurn:x-wiley:01446665:media:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0004, Δdf, and p refer to chi-square difference test results with the Satorra–Bentler scaling correction (more freely estimated model vs. more constrained model).
126 53.14 45 .189 1.18 .04 .98 .07 4.95 3 .176
Scalara a Includes Haywood case. We refrained from testing for metric and scalar invariance for physicians, since the previous model did not reach configural invariance. Δurn:x-wiley:01446665:media:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0004, Δdf, and p refer to chi-square difference test results with the Satorra–Bentler scaling correction (more freely estimated model vs. more constrained model).
126 60.13 49 .132 1.23 .04 .97 .09 7.04 4 .134


  • For elderly, rich, and Turks, we considered a model in which the items warm, confident, competitive, and tolerant were excluded (see Table 4). For jobless, we considered a model in which the items warm, confident, and competitive were excluded (see Table S5). For physicians, we considered a model in which the items warm and confident were excluded (see Table S3).
  • a Includes Haywood case. We refrained from testing for metric and scalar invariance for physicians, since the previous model did not reach configural invariance. Δurn:x-wiley:01446665:media:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0004, Δdf, and p refer to chi-square difference test results with the Satorra–Bentler scaling correction (more freely estimated model vs. more constrained model).
Table 6. Study 2: Latent mean comparison of warmth and competence between society’s perspective and personal perspective condition
Warmth Competence
Estimate SE p Estimate SE p
Elderly −0.02 0.06 .770 0.14 0.07 .043
Jobless 0.57 0.18 .002 0.80 0.15 <.001
Rich 0.30 0.08 .000 −0.10 0.07 .134
Turks 0.42 0.06 <.001 0.36 0.06 <.001


  • Society’s perspective condition served as a reference group (latent mean = 0).
Table 8. Study 3: Results of measurement invariance testing across experimental conditions for groups that previously produced measurement models with satisfactory model fit in both experimental conditions separately
N urn:x-wiley:01446665:media:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0005 df p urn:x-wiley:01446665:media:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0006 /df RMSEA CFI SRMR Δurn:x-wiley:01446665:media:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0007 Δdf p
Configural 131 4.66 16 .997 0.29 .00 1.00 .02
Metric 131 11.51 20 .932 0.58 .00 1.00 .08 9.41 4 .052
Scalar 131 14.19 24 .942 0.59 .00 1.00 .07 2.82 4 .589
Configural 119 28.44 26 .337 1.09 .04 .99 .04
Metric 119 40.52 31 .118 1.31 .07 .97 .11 13.56 5 .019
Partial metric 119 34.67 30 .255 1.16 .05 .99 .08 6.91 4 .141
Scalar 119 41.85 35 .198 1.20 .06 .98 .10 7.33 5 .197
Configural 117 32.07 26 .191 1.23 .06 .97 .05
Metric 117 45.99 31 .041 1.48 .09 .92 .14 12.37 5 .030
Partial metric 117 40.48 30 .096 1.35 .08 .94 .12 7.74 4 .101
Configural 108 18.88 16 .275 1.18 .06 .99 .05
Metric 108 24.36 20 .227 1.22 .06 .98 .10 5.49 4 .241
Scalar 108 27.37 24 .288 1.14 .05 .99 .11 2.78 4 .595
Configural 94 23.90 26 .582 0.92 .00 1.00 .02
Metric 94 26.23 31 .710 0.85 .00 1.00 .04 2.19 5 .823
Scalar 94 33.57 36 .585 0.93 .00 1.00 .05 7.66 5 .176
Configural 120 35.71 26 .097 1.37 .08 .98 .03
Metric 120 41.08 31 .106 1.33 .07 .98 .06 5.18 5 .823
Scalar 120 50.07 36 .060 1.39 .08 .97 .07 9.58 5 .088
Configural 112 14.38 16 .571 0.90 .00 1.00 .03
Metric 112 18.81 20 .534 0.94 .00 1.00 .07 4.83 4 .305
Scalar 112 23.82 24 .472 0.99 .00 1.00 .09 5.09 4 .278
Configural 123 17.17 16 .375 1.07 .03 1.00 .03
Metric 123 21.86 20 .348 1.09 .04 1.00 .06 4.68 4 .321
Scalar 123 22.27 24 .563 0.93 .00 1.00 .07 0.55 4 .968


  • For Germans and Bulgarian, Moroccan, and Pakistani migrants, we considered a model in which the item cold–warm was excluded (see Table S7). For Albanian, Italian, Polish, and Turkish migrants, we considered a model in which the items cold–warm and uneducated–highly educated were excluded (see Table 7). We refrained from testing for scalar invariance for Germans, since the partial metric model did not meet model fit requirements. We refrained from submitting Italian migrants to further analyses, since the model fit of the scalar model was below cut-off criteria. Δurn:x-wiley:01446665:media:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0008, Δdf, and p refer to chi-square difference test results with the Satorra–Bentler scaling correction (more freely estimated model vs. more constrained model).
Table 9. Study 3: Latent mean comparison of warmth and competence between society’s perspective and personal perspective condition
Warmth Competence
Estimate SE p Power Estimate SE p Power
Albanian 0.55 0.24 .020 .96 0.52 0.18 .004 .99
Bulgarian 0.67 0.27 .015 .94 0.42 0.18 .018 .97
Moroccan 0.42 0.26 .112 .73 0.32 0.26 .223 .40
Pakistani 0.49 0.25 .004 .90 0.36 0.23 .118 .69
Polish 0.37 0.25 .145 .55 0.15 0.24 .526 .14
Turkish 0.58 0.25 .020 .97 0.45 0.21 .036 .94


  • Society’s perspective condition served as a reference group (latent mean = 0). Power refers to the post-hoc power estimates obtained using the Monte Carlo simulations with 10,000 replications and MLR estimator, assuming normally distributed and complete data (Muthén & Muthén, 2002).

The same two errors required adjustments to the sentences in which the authors referred to the coefficients on pages 1027 and 1033.

On page 1027 (last paragraph), the value for Kappa (K) changes from ‘0.44’ to ‘0.42’, so the text reads as ‘as well as Turks, K = 0.42, p < .001, and K = 0.36, p < .001, respectively’.

On page 1033 (last paragraph), the value for Kappa (K) changes from ‘0.75’ to ‘0.67’ and from ‘0.59’ to ‘0.42’; the p-value changed from ‘.004’ to ‘.015’ and from ‘.001’ to ‘.018’, so the text reads as ‘Bulgarian migrants, K = 0.67, p = .015, and K = 0.42, p = .018’.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.



Kotzur 等人在论文中的更正。(2020 年),“社会认为他们冷漠和/或无能,但我不认为”,刻板印象内容评级取决于指令和社会群体在刻板印象内容空间中的位置。

在进行再分析时,作者注意到初步分析中有两个错误。在研究 2 土耳其人组(表 5)和研究 3 保加利亚人组(表 8)的部分测量测试中,作者错误地释放了一个等式约束太多。该误差对随后的平均值比较没有实质性影响(表 6 和 9)。研究的主要信息也保持不变。即受影响系数的方向和显着性保持不变,只是大小略有变化。更正后的表(表 5、6、8 和 9)如下,更改的参数以粗体突出显示:

表 5.研究 2:对于先前分别在两种实验条件下分别生成具有令人满意的模型拟合的测量模型的社会群体,在不同实验条件下的测量不变性测试结果
n 骨灰盒:x-wiley:01446665:媒体:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0001 df 骨灰盒:x-wiley:01446665:媒体:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0002 /df RMSEA CFI SRMR Δ骨灰盒:x-wiley:01446665:媒体:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0003 Δ DF
配置的 126 53.66 42 .107 1.28 .05 .96 .07
公制 126 54.34 46 .187 1.18 .04 .97 .08 1.47 4 .832
标量 126 57.32 50 .222 1.15 .03 .97 .08 3.11 4 .539
配置的 126 84.20 64 .046 1.32 .05 .96 .08
公制 126 98.02 69 .012 1.42 .06 .94 .09 13.26 5 .021
部分指标 126 84.80 68 .082 1.25 .04 .97 .08 0.94 4 .919
标量 126 91.64 71 .050 1.29 .05 .96 .08 7.26 3 .064
配置的 126 145.79 90 .000 1.62 .07 .91 .08
配置的 126 54.81 42 .089 1.30 .05 .97 .06
公制 126 59.08 46 .093 1.64 .05 .97 .06 4.40 4 .355
标量 126 66.51 50 .059 1.33 .05 .96 .06 7.64 4 .106
配置一个 a 包括海伍德案。我们避免测试医生的度量和标量不变性,因为之前的模型没有达到配置不变性。Δ骨灰盒:x-wiley:01446665:媒体:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0004、Δ dfp是指使用 Satorra-Bentler 标度校正(更自由估计的模型与更受约束的模型)的卡方差异检验结果。
126 48.22 42 .236 1.15 .03 .98 .06
公制a a 包括海伍德案。我们避免测试医生的度量和标量不变性,因为之前的模型没有达到配置不变性。Δ骨灰盒:x-wiley:01446665:媒体:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0004、Δ dfp是指使用 Satorra-Bentler 标度校正(更自由估计的模型与更受约束的模型)的卡方差异检验结果。
126 60.56 46 .074 1.32 .05 .96 .09 12.68 4 .013
部分度量a a 包括海伍德案。我们避免测试医生的度量和标量不变性,因为之前的模型没有达到配置不变性。Δ骨灰盒:x-wiley:01446665:媒体:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0004、Δ dfp是指使用 Satorra-Bentler 标度校正(更自由估计的模型与更受约束的模型)的卡方差异检验结果。
126 53.14 45 .189 1.18 .04 .98 .07 4.95 3 .176
标量a a 包括海伍德案。我们避免测试医生的度量和标量不变性,因为之前的模型没有达到配置不变性。Δ骨灰盒:x-wiley:01446665:媒体:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0004、Δ dfp是指使用 Satorra-Bentler 标度校正(更自由估计的模型与更受约束的模型)的卡方差异检验结果。
126 60.13 49 .132 1.23 .04 .97 .09 7.04 4 .134


  • 对于老年人、富人和土耳其人,我们考虑了一个模型,其中排除了热情、自信、有竞争力和宽容的项目(见表 4)。对于失业者,我们考虑了一个模型,其中排除了热情、自信和有竞争力的项目(见表 S5)。对于医生,我们考虑了一个模型,其中排除了热情和自信的项目(见表 S3)。
  • a 包括海伍德案。我们避免测试医生的度量和标量不变性,因为之前的模型没有达到配置不变性。Δ骨灰盒:x-wiley:01446665:媒体:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0004、Δ dfp是指使用 Satorra-Bentler 标度校正(更自由估计的模型与更受约束的模型)的卡方差异检验结果。
表 6.研究 2:社会视角和个人视角条件之间温暖和能力的潜在均值比较
温暖 权限
估计 东南 估计 东南
老年 −0.02 0.06 .770 0.14 0.07 .043
失业 0.57 0.18 .002 0.80 0.15 <.001
富有的 0.30 0.08 .000 −0.10 0.07 .134
土耳其人 0.42 0.06 <.001 0.36 0.06 <.001


  • 社会的视角条件作为参考组(潜在均值 = 0)。
表 8.研究 3:对于先前分别在两种实验条件下分别生成具有令人满意的模型拟合的测量模型的组,跨实验条件的测量不变性测试结果
N 骨灰盒:x-wiley:01446665:媒体:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0005 df 骨灰盒:x-wiley:01446665:媒体:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0006 /df RMSEA CFI SRMR Δ骨灰盒:x-wiley:01446665:媒体:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0007 Δ DF
配置的 131 4.66 16 .997 0.29 .00 1.00 .02
公制 131 11.51 20 .932 0.58 .00 1.00 .08 9.41 4 .052
标量 131 14.19 24 .942 0.59 .00 1.00 .07 2.82 4 .589
配置的 119 28.44 26 .337 1.09 .04 .99 .04
公制 119 40.52 31 .118 1.31 .07 .97 .11 13.56 5 .019
部分指标 119 34.67 30 .255 1.16 .05 .99 .08 6.91 4 .141
标量 119 41.85 35 .198 1.20 .06 .98 .10 7.33 5 .197
配置的 117 32.07 26 .191 1.23 .06 .97 .05
公制 117 45.99 31 .041 1.48 .09 .92 .14 12.37 5 .030
部分指标 117 40.48 30 .096 1.35 .08 .94 .12 7.74 4 .101
配置的 108 18.88 16 .275 1.18 .06 .99 .05
公制 108 24.36 20 .227 1.22 .06 .98 .10 5.49 4 .241
标量 108 27.37 24 .288 1.14 .05 .99 .11 2.78 4 .595
配置的 94 23.90 26 .582 0.92 .00 1.00 .02
公制 94 26.23 31 .710 0.85 .00 1.00 .04 2.19 5 .823
标量 94 33.57 36 .585 0.93 .00 1.00 .05 7.66 5 .176
配置的 120 35.71 26 .097 1.37 .08 .98 .03
公制 120 41.08 31 .106 1.33 .07 .98 .06 5.18 5 .823
标量 120 50.07 36 .060 1.39 .08 .97 .07 9.58 5 .088
配置的 112 14.38 16 .571 0.90 .00 1.00 .03
公制 112 18.81 20 .534 0.94 .00 1.00 .07 4.83 4 .305
标量 112 23.82 24 .472 0.99 .00 1.00 .09 5.09 4 .278
配置的 123 17.17 16 .375 1.07 .03 1.00 .03
公制 123 21.86 20 .348 1.09 .04 1.00 .06 4.68 4 .321
标量 123 22.27 24 .563 0.93 .00 1.00 .07 0.55 4 .968


  • 对于德国人和保加利亚人、摩洛哥人和巴基斯坦人的移民,我们考虑了一个模型,其中排除了冷-暖项目(见表 S7)。对于阿尔巴尼亚、意大利、波兰和土耳其移民,我们考虑了一个模型,其中排除了冷 - 温暖和未受过教育 - 受过高等教育的项目(见表 7)。我们避免测试德国人的标量不变性,因为部分度量模型不符合模型拟合要求。我们避免将意大利移民提交进一步分析,因为标量模型的模型拟合低于截止标准。Δ 骨灰盒:x-wiley:01446665:媒体:bjso12461:bjso12461-math-0008、Δ dfp是指使用 Satorra-Bentler 标度校正(更自由估计的模型与更受约束的模型)的卡方差异检验结果。
表 9.研究 3:社会视角和个人视角条件之间温暖和能力的潜在均值比较
温暖 权限
估计 东南 力量 估计 东南 力量
阿尔巴尼亚语 0.55 0.24 .020 .96 0.52 0.18 .004 .99
保加利亚语 0.67 0.27 .015 .94 0.42 0.18 .018 .97
摩洛哥 0.42 0.26 .112 .73 0.32 0.26 .223 .40
巴基斯坦 0.49 0.25 .004 .90 0.36 0.23 .118 .69
抛光 0.37 0.25 .145 .55 0.15 0.24 .526 .14
土耳其 0.58 0.25 .020 .97 0.45 0.21 .036 .94


  • 社会的视角条件作为参考组(潜在均值 = 0)。功效是指使用具有 10,000 次重复的蒙特卡罗模拟和 MLR 估计器获得的事后功效估计,假设数据为正态分布和完整数据 (Muthén & Muthén, 2002)。

同样的两个错误需要对作者提到第 1027 页和第 1033 页上的系数的句子进行调整。

在第 1027 页(最后一段)上,Kappa (K) 的值从“0.44”变为“0.42”,因此文本读作“以及土耳其人,K = 0.42,p  < .001,并且 K = 0.36,p  < .001,分别'。

在第 1033 页(最后一段)上,Kappa (K) 的值从“0.75”更改为“0.67”,从“0.59”更改为“0.42”;的p -值从变化“0.004'向” 0.015' ,并从“0.001'向” 0.018' ,因此文本读为保加利亚移民,K = 0.67 ,P  = 0.015和K = 0.42,p  = .018'。

