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Approaching the motional ground state of a 10-kg object
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-18 , DOI: 10.1126/science.abh2634
Chris Whittle 1 , Evan D Hall 1 , Sheila Dwyer 2 , Nergis Mavalvala 1 , Vivishek Sudhir 1, 3 , R Abbott 4 , A Ananyeva 4 , C Austin 5 , L Barsotti 1 , J Betzwieser 6 , C D Blair 6, 7 , A F Brooks 4 , D D Brown 8 , A Buikema 1 , C Cahillane 4 , J C Driggers 2 , A Effler 6 , A Fernandez-Galiana 1 , P Fritschel 1 , V V Frolov 6 , T Hardwick 5 , M Kasprzack 4 , K Kawabe 2 , N Kijbunchoo 9 , J S Kissel 2 , G L Mansell 1, 2 , F Matichard 1, 4 , L McCuller 1 , T McRae 9 , A Mullavey 6 , A Pele 6 , R M S Schofield 10 , D Sigg 2 , M Tse 1 , G Vajente 4 , D C Vander-Hyde 11 , Hang Yu 1 , Haocun Yu 1 , C Adams 6 , R X Adhikari 4 , S Appert 4 , K Arai 4 , J S Areeda 12 , Y Asali 13 , S M Aston 6 , A M Baer 14 , M Ball 10 , S W Ballmer 11 , S Banagiri 15 , D Barker 2 , J Bartlett 2 , B K Berger 16 , D Bhattacharjee 17 , G Billingsley 4 , S Biscans 1, 4 , R M Blair 2 , N Bode 18, 19 , P Booker 18, 19 , R Bork 4 , A Bramley 6 , K C Cannon 20 , X Chen 7 , A A Ciobanu 8 , F Clara 2 , C M Compton 2 , S J Cooper 21 , K R Corley 13 , S T Countryman 13 , P B Covas 22 , D C Coyne 4 , L E H Datrier 23 , D Davis 11 , C Di Fronzo 21 , K L Dooley 24, 25 , P Dupej 23 , T Etzel 4 , M Evans 1 , T M Evans 6 , J Feicht 4 , P Fulda 26 , M Fyffe 6 , J A Giaime 5, 6 , K D Giardina 6 , P Godwin 27 , E Goetz 5, 17, 28 , S Gras 1 , C Gray 2 , R Gray 23 , A C Green 26 , E K Gustafson 4 , R Gustafson 29 , J Hanks 2 , J Hanson 6 , R K Hasskew 6 , M C Heintze 6 , A F Helmling-Cornell 10 , N A Holland 9 , J D Jones 2 , S Kandhasamy 30 , S Karki 10 , P J King 2 , Rahul Kumar 2 , M Landry 2 , B B Lane 1 , B Lantz 16 , M Laxen 6 , Y K Lecoeuche 28 , J Leviton 29 , J Liu 18, 19 , M Lormand 6 , A P Lundgren 31 , R Macas 24 , M MacInnis 1 , D M Macleod 24 , S Márka 13 , Z Márka 13 , D V Martynov 21 , K Mason 1 , T J Massinger 1 , R McCarthy 2 , D E McClelland 9 , S McCormick 6 , J McIver 4, 28 , G Mendell 2 , K Merfeld 10 , E L Merilh 2 , F Meylahn 18, 19 , T Mistry 32 , R Mittleman 1 , G Moreno 2 , C M Mow-Lowry 21 , S Mozzon 31 , T J N Nelson 6 , P Nguyen 10 , L K Nuttall 31 , J Oberling 2 , Richard J Oram 6 , C Osthelder 4 , D J Ottaway 8 , H Overmier 6 , J R Palamos 10 , W Parker 6, 33 , E Payne 34 , R Penhorwood 29 , C J Perez 2 , M Pirello 2 , H Radkins 2 , K E Ramirez 35 , J W Richardson 4 , K Riles 29 , N A Robertson 4, 23 , J G Rollins 4 , C L Romel 2 , J H Romie 6 , M P Ross 36 , K Ryan 2 , T Sadecki 2 , E J Sanchez 4 , L E Sanchez 4 , T R Saravanan 30 , R L Savage 2 , D Schaetz 4 , R Schnabel 37 , E Schwartz 6 , D Sellers 6 , T Shaffer 2 , B J J Slagmolen 9 , J R Smith 12 , S Soni 5 , B Sorazu 23 , A P Spencer 23 , K A Strain 23 , L Sun 4, 9 , M J Szczepańczyk 26 , M Thomas 6 , P Thomas 2 , K A Thorne 6 , K Toland 23 , C I Torrie 4 , G Traylor 6 , A L Urban 5 , G Valdes 5 , P J Veitch 8 , K Venkateswara 36 , G Venugopalan 4 , A D Viets 38 , T Vo 11 , C Vorvick 2 , M Wade 39 , R L Ward 9 , J Warner 2 , B Weaver 2 , R Weiss 1 , B Willke 18, 19 , C C Wipf 4 , L Xiao 4 , H Yamamoto 4 , L Zhang 4 , M E Zucker 1, 4 , J Zweizig 4

The motion of a mechanical object, even a human-sized object, should be governed by the rules of quantum mechanics. Coaxing them into a quantum state is, however, difficult because the thermal environment masks any quantum signature of the object’s motion. The thermal environment also masks the effects of proposed modifications of quantum mechanics at large mass scales. We prepared the center-of-mass motion of a 10-kilogram mechanical oscillator in a state with an average phonon occupation of 10.8. The reduction in temperature, from room temperature to 77 nanokelvin, is commensurate with an 11 orders-of-magnitude suppression of quantum back-action by feedback and a 13 orders-of-magnitude increase in the mass of an object prepared close to its motional ground state. Our approach will enable the possibility of probing gravity on massive quantum systems.


接近 10 公斤物体的运动基态

机械物体的运动,即使是人类大小的物体,也应该受到量子力学规则的支配。然而,将它们诱导进入量子状态很困难,因为热环境掩盖了物体运动的任何量子特征。热环境还掩盖了在大质量尺度上提出的量子力学修改的影响。我们准备了 10 公斤机械振荡器在平均声子占据为 10.8 的状态下的质心运动。温度从室温降低到 77 纳开尔文,与通过反馈对量子反向作用进行 11 个数量级的抑制以及接近其运动状态的物体质量增加 13 个数量级相称。基态。
