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Journal of Wildlife Management ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-18 , DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22086

Martin, E. C., P. F. Doherty, Jr., K. A. Jochum, and C. F. Bagley. 2020. Shorebird abundance estimates in Interior Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 84:1283–1295.

The third and fourth sentences in the second paragraph under the Lowland Shorebird Abundance Estimates subheading in RESULTS should be

“For every 1-m increase in distance to wetland, probability of detection decreased by 0.5%. Similarly, for every 1-m increase in elevation, probability of detection decreased by 0.6%.”

rather than

“For every 1-m increase in distance to wetland, probability of habitat use decreased by 0.5%. Similarly, for every 1-m increase in elevation, probability of habitat use decreased by 0.6%.”

The third sentence in the fifth paragraph under DISCUSSION should be

“Although distance to wetland did not explain process variance in lowland shorebird abundance on plot, as expected, it was a top predictor variable of detection on a site.”

rather than

“Although distance to wetland did not explain process variance in lowland shorebird abundance on plot, as expected, it was a top predictor variable of occupancy of a site.”



Martin, EC、PF Doherty, Jr.、KA Jochum 和 CF Bagley。2020. 阿拉斯加内陆水鸟丰度估计。野生动物管理杂志 84:1283-1295。

RESULTS 中 Lowland Shorebird Abundance Estimates 副标题下第二段中的第三句和第四句应为

“到湿地的距离每增加 1 米,检测到的概率就会降低 0.5%。同样,海拔每增加 1 米,检测到的概率就会降低 0.6%。”


“到湿地的距离每增加 1 米,栖息地利用的可能性就会降低 0.5%。同样,海拔每增加 1 米,栖息地利用的可能性就会降低 0.6%。”

DISCUSSION 下第五段中的第三句应为



