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Manufacturing Crisis: Anti-slavery ‘Humanitarianism’ and Imperialism in East Africa, 1888–1890
The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-02 , DOI: 10.1080/03086534.2020.1816623
Matthew Unangst 1

ABSTRACT In the 1888–1889 Bushiri War, German chancellor Otto von Bismarck seized upon pan-European rhetoric of the ‘Arab slave trade’ to organise a coalition of Europe’s colonial powers to blockade the East African coast. The blockade was the most direct international action against the slave trade at the height of antislavery activism but has largely been left out of narratives about 1880s antislavery. Historians working in recent years have complicated the story of European antislavery in the late nineteenth century from an idea of antislavery as merely a façade for imperial expansion. These studies have examined the intersections of humanitarianism and imperialism in the major conferences of the Scramble for Africa. Bismarck tried to replace conference diplomacy with an Anglo-German alliance. But when the highest profile blockade capture was German, supporters of a more aggressive approach in both Germany and the UK overwhelmed the small abolitionist movement and demanded their governments quit working together in the manner of the blockade. The individual national action of the 1890s overtook other methods of humanitarianism in empire. The blockade’s failure helps explain why the Brussels Anti-Slavery Conference unfolded as it did and the course of antislavery internationalism after 1890.



摘要 在 1888 年至 1889 年的布希里战争中,德国总理奥托·冯·俾斯麦 (Otto von Bismarck) 抓住泛欧“阿拉伯奴隶贸易”的言论,组织欧洲殖民大国联合封​​锁东非海岸。封锁是在反奴隶制激进主义高峰时期针对奴隶贸易的最直接的国际行动,但在很大程度上被排除在关于 1880 年代反奴隶制的叙述之外。近年来工作的历史学家将 19 世纪后期欧洲反奴隶制的故事从反奴隶制仅仅作为帝国扩张的门面的想法复杂化。这些研究考察了非洲争夺战主要会议中人道主义和帝国主义的交叉点。俾斯麦试图用英德联盟取代会议外交。但是,当最引人注目的封锁捕获是德国人时,德国和英国的更激进方法的支持者压倒了小型废奴运动,并要求他们的政府停止以封锁的方式合作。1890 年代的个别国家行动取代了帝国的其他人道主义方法。封锁的失败有助于解释为什么布鲁塞尔反奴隶制会议如此展开以及 1890 年之后反奴隶制国际主义的进程。