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When the Rains Stopped: Evapotranspiration and Ontology at Ancient Cahokia
Journal of Anthropological Research ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-01 , DOI: 10.1086/711102
Timothy R. Pauketat

Climate change and human history converged in the ancient Mississippi Valley at the Native American city of Greater Cahokia. Following the materials and substantial flows through four centuries of the Medieval Climate Optimum (ca. 900–1300 ce) leads to the recognition that evapotranspiration—as experienced in the American Midwest and institutionalized as “Steam Bath Ceremonialism”—was central to the formation and demise of Cahokian urbanism. The transubstantiation of water into steam transferred spiritual, healing power to people. That transfer was undermined with the droughty periods beginning in the 1100s. The close correspondence between human and other-than-human historical changes in this Mississippian case supports explanations of hydrosocial change that begin in the ontological realm.



气候变化和人类历史在美洲原住民城市大卡霍基亚的古老密西西比河谷汇合。遵循四个世纪的中世纪气候最优(约 900-1300 ce)的材料和大量流动导致人们认识到蒸发 - 正如美国中西部所经历的并被制度化为“蒸汽浴仪式” - 是形成和Cahokian 城市主义的消亡。将水变质为蒸汽,将精神、治愈的力量传递给人们。这种转移因 1100 年代开始的干旱时期而受到破坏。在这个密西西比州的案例中,人类和非人类历史变化之间的密切对应支持了从本体论领域开始的水社会变化的解释。