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Rapid ore classification for real-time mineral processing optimisation at the Niederschlag multi-generation hydrothermal barite-fluorite vein deposit, Germany
Mineralium Deposita ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s00126-020-01037-w
Axel Müller , Henrik Ehle

Fluorite is currently viewed as a critical raw material (CRM) by the European Commission (2017) as it is the main source of fluorine which is vital as a flux for metal ore smelting and the manufacture of hydrofluoric acid. In addition, it also contributes to the manufacture of fluorine-containing chemicals and their products. Due to supply risks and increasing industrial demand, investment in exploration and mining of European fluorite deposits has been encouraged to support European markets. The opening of the Niederschlag fluorite mine in the Erzgebirge, Germany, by Erzgebirgische Flussund Schwerspatwerke GmbH (EFS) in 2013, is a positive outcome of this initiative. EFS produces a fine-grained acid grade concentrate containing greater than 97% CaF2. The Niederschlag barite-fluorite mineralisation is a complex, multi-generation (Permian and Mesozoic) veintype deposit which has been modified by multiple synand post-genetic shearing and in the Paleogene-Neogene, local hydrothermal alteration and replacements caused by the emplacement of phonolite dykes and sills (Kuschka et al. 2002; Haschke et al. 2021). Each generation has its specific mineral paragenesis with distinctive mineral abundances and diversity, grain shapes and sizes and micro-scale mineral intergrowths. The combination of these complex features has greatly complicated the design and operation of mineral processing operations at the mine. The major aim of this study was to establish criteria for the rapid ‘real-time’ identification of the main vein generation in the ore to allow crucial adjustments and refinements to be made to the processing flowsheet, to achieve the best possible quality of fluorite concentrate. In addition, the trace element compositions of fluorite from the main generations were determined by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) to confirm that they are genetically different, i.e. formed during separate phases of hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation. This information could also be used to further develop the deposit model for Niederschlag to aid in exploration for near-mine extensions or similar deposits in the area or worldwide. The study does not aim to provide insights into methodologies for fluorite processing.


德国 Niederschlag 多代热液重晶石-萤石脉矿床实时选矿优化的快速矿石分类

萤石目前被欧盟委员会 (2017) 视为一种关键原材料 (CRM),因为它是氟的主要来源,而氟对于金属矿石冶炼和氢氟酸的制造至关重要。此外,它还有助于制造含氟化学品及其产品。由于供应风险和工业需求增加,鼓励对欧洲萤石矿床勘探和开采的投资以支持欧洲市场。Erzgebirgische Flussund Schwerspatwerke GmbH (EFS) 于 2013 年在德国 Erzgebirge 开设 Niederschlag 萤石矿,这是该计划的积极成果。EFS 生产含有大于 97% CaF2 的细粒酸级浓缩物。Niederschlag 重晶石-萤石矿化是一个复杂的,多代(二叠纪和中生代)脉型矿床,已被多次同系和后成因剪切改造,在古近系-新近系中,局部热液蚀变和由音岩岩脉和窗台的就位引起的置换(Kuschka 等人,2002 年;Haschke等人,2021 年)。每一代都有其特定的矿物共生现象,具有独特的矿物丰度和多样性、颗粒形状和大小以及微尺度矿物共生。这些复杂特征的结合极大地增加了矿山选矿操作的设计和操作的复杂性。这项研究的主要目的是建立快速“实时”识别矿石中主要矿脉生成的标准,以便对处理流程进行关键调整和改进,以实现萤石精矿的最佳质量。此外,主要世代萤石的微量元素组成是通过激光烧蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱法 (LA-ICPMS) 确定的,以确认它们在遗传上不同,即在热液蚀变和矿化的不同阶段形成。该信息还可用于进一步开发 Niederschlag 的矿床模型,以帮助勘探该地区或世界范围内的近矿延伸区或类似矿床。该研究的目的不是提供对萤石加工方法的见解。主要世代萤石的微量元素组成通过激光烧蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱法 (LA-ICPMS) 确定,以确认它们在遗传上不同,即在热液蚀变和矿化的不同阶段形成。该信息还可用于进一步开发 Niederschlag 的矿床模型,以帮助勘探该地区或世界范围内的近矿延伸区或类似矿床。该研究的目的不是提供对萤石加工方法的见解。主要世代萤石的微量元素组成通过激光烧蚀电感耦合等离子体质谱法 (LA-ICPMS) 确定,以确认它们在遗传上不同,即在热液蚀变和矿化的不同阶段形成。该信息还可用于进一步开发 Niederschlag 的矿床模型,以帮助勘探该地区或世界范围内的近矿延伸区或类似矿床。该研究的目的不是提供对萤石加工方法的见解。