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10 years of the French Autorité de la concurrence: looking back and looking ahead
Journal of Antitrust Enforcement ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-01 , DOI: 10.1093/jaenfo/jnz018
Isabelle de Silva 1

I . T H E R O L E O F C O M P E T I T I O N L A W A N D P O L I C Y The competition community comprises of a diverse assembly of experts—passionate about their job. Among them, consumer organizations, in-house counsels, attorneys, academics, judges, competition agencies, sector regulators, government departments, and international organizations. The debate they engage in, directly influences competition policy, and enables the adjustment of existing enforcement tools to address ever more varied issues, such as the digital economy and platforms. Indeed, competition law—nowadays—has become a central policy tool affecting consumer welfare. Similarly, it affects compliance and a key element of a firm’s strategy. At times, however, the goals of this policy instrument—the goals of competition law—are inaccurately characterized as mechanical and dogmatic. Statements such as ‘you only look at price effects for consumers’, ‘competition is about the survival of the fittest’, ‘because of competition policy there can be no European champions and Europe is at a disadvantage compared to other regions of the world’ can be heard quite often. These statements reflect some misconceptions as to the role of competition agencies and competition law enforcement in an ever-changing economic landscape. Furthermore, at times, they challenge the legitimacy and accountability of competition agencies. It is therefore important to address these misconceptions and clarify the role and goals of competition law in Europe. First, we must see competition as a crucial part of the ‘European project’. Competition policy finds its roots in an ambitious political project with the goal to


法国 Autorité de la concurrence 10 年:回顾与展望

一世 。竞争优势政策的作用 竞争社区由多元化的专家组成——他们对自己的工作充满热情。其中,消费者组织、内部法律顾问、律师、学者、法官、竞争机构、部门监管机构、政府部门和国际组织。他们参与的辩论直接影响竞争政策,并使现有执法工具能够调整以解决更多不同的问题,例如数字经济和平台。事实上,竞争法——如今——已经成为影响消费者福利的核心政策工具。同样,它影响合规性和公司战略的一个关键要素。然而,有时,这一政策工具的目标——竞争法的目标——被错误地描述为机械的和教条的。诸如“你只看价格对消费者的影响”、“竞争是适者生存”、“因为竞争政策不可能有欧洲冠军,欧洲与世界其他地区相比处于劣势”等声明可以经常听到。这些陈述反映了对竞争机构和竞争法执法在不断变化的经济环境中的作用的一些误解。此外,它们有时会挑战竞争管理机构的合法性和问责制。因此,解决这些误解并澄清欧洲竞争法的作用和目标非常重要。首先,我们必须将竞争视为“欧洲项目”的重要组成部分。竞争政策植根于一个雄心勃勃的政治项目,其目标是