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Viewpoint: ‘When black lives matter all lives will matter’ − A teacher and three students discuss the BLM movement
London Review of Education ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-13 , DOI: 10.14324/lre.18.3.14
Ann Phoenix 1 , Afiya Amesu 1 , Issy Naylor 1 , Kafi Zafar 1

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is generating a new appetite for understanding the ubiquity of systemic racism. In this short piece, a professor and three newly graduated students from different racialized groups reflect on the reproduction of social inequalities in key institutions and on what decolonization means for the nation, not just for education.


观点:“当黑人生命重要时,所有生命都重要”——一位老师和三名学生讨论 BLM 运动

Black Lives Matter (BLM) 运动正在激发人们对系统性种族主义无处不在的理解的新兴趣。在这篇短文中,来自不同种族群体的一位教授和三位刚毕业的学生反思了关键机构中社会不平等的再现,以及非殖民化对国家意味着什么,而不仅仅是对教育。