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Philippe M. Frowd, Security at the Borders: transnational practices and technologies in West Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (hb £75 – 978 1 108 47010 0). 2018, 218 pp.
Africa ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0001972020000376
Hugh Lamarque

memoirs of a number of important protagonists – such as AbuBakr Gumi, the chief ideologue of Nigeria’s Izala movement. My one criticism of an otherwise excellent text is that the argument would have benefited from a clearer definition of the term ‘Salafi’. As Henri Lauzière’s work (TheMaking of Salafism: Islamic reform in the twentieth century), for instance, has shown, this term is now heavily overused and has been applied to a wide array of movements with quite different doctrinal and ideological foundations. The text under review does a job good of acknowledging the diversity of these groups, for instance distinguishing between groups with ties to Egypt and al-Azhar that practised more modernist and anti-colonial interpretations of Islam, and those inspired by Saudi Wahhabism (pp. 164–5). The author also provides a solid justification for looking at ‘Salafism’ as a political ideology rather than a doctrine, given that its praxis is shaped more by its opposition to the civil and secular state created by the colonizers than it is by theology per se (p. 248). However, this leaves the question: what is specifically ‘Salafi’ about it? Nevertheless, this is an excellent book, thoroughly researched and cogently argued. It will be of equal use to political scientists, historians and sociologists, as well as non-academic research users with an interest in the dynamic relationship between religion and politics in the Sahel.


Philippe M. Frowd,边境安全:西非的跨国实践和技术。剑桥:剑桥大学出版社(hb £75 – 978 1 108 47010 0)。2018 年,第 218 页。

许多重要人物的回忆录——例如尼日利亚 Izala 运动的主要理论家 AbuBakr Gumi。我对其他优秀文本的一个批评是,如果对“萨拉菲”一词进行更清晰的定义,则该论点会受益。例如,亨利·劳齐埃 (Henri Lauzière) 的著作《萨拉菲主义的形成:二十世纪的伊斯兰改革》(TheMaking of Salafism:20 世纪的伊斯兰改革) 已经表明,这个词现在被严重过度使用,并已被应用于具有完全不同的教义和意识形态基础的各种运动。正在审查的文本在承认这些群体的多样性方面做得很好,例如区分与埃及和爱资哈尔有联系的群体,这些群体对伊斯兰教进行了更现代主义和反殖民主义的解释,以及那些受沙特瓦哈比主义启发的群体(第 12 页)。 164-5)。作者还为将“萨拉菲主义”视为一种政治意识形态而不是一种学说提供了坚实的理由,因为它的实践更多是由它对殖民者创造的文明和世俗国家的反对而不是由神学本身塑造的。第 248 页)。然而,这留下了一个问题:它的“萨拉菲”具体是什么?尽管如此,这是一本出色的书,经过彻底的研究和令人信服的论证。它将对政治科学家、历史学家和社会学家以及对萨赫勒地区宗教与政治之间的动态关系感兴趣的非学术研究用户同样有用。然而,这留下了一个问题:它的“萨拉菲”具体是什么?尽管如此,这是一本出色的书,经过彻底的研究和令人信服的论证。它将对政治科学家、历史学家和社会学家以及对萨赫勒地区宗教与政治之间的动态关系感兴趣的非学术研究用户同样有用。然而,这留下了一个问题:它的“萨拉菲”具体是什么?尽管如此,这是一本出色的书,经过彻底的研究和令人信服的论证。它将对政治科学家、历史学家和社会学家以及对萨赫勒地区宗教与政治之间的动态关系感兴趣的非学术研究用户同样有用。