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Harnessing the ‘hustle’: struggle, solidarities and narratives of work in Nairobi and beyond Introduction
Africa ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-01 , DOI: 10.1017/s0001972020000819
Tatiana Thieme , Meghan E. Ference , Naomi van Stapele

In a workshop entitled ‘Harnessing the Hustle’, held at the British Institute in Eastern Africa (BIEA) in April 2017, a group of academic researchers and community activists came together to discuss a concept that resonated across ethnographic findings and everyday life alike: hustling. For many of us working in Nairobi for years, we considered the real ‘experts in the room’ to be our Kenyan interlocutors, many of whom have become research collaborators and friends. Most of them lived and worked in different corners of the city, but they had the following in common: they were born and raised in Nairobi, and they self-identified as ‘hustlers’ and with the practice of ‘hustling’ in their everyday life. Alongside our friends and collaborators, we reflected on each paper’s empirical context in which hustling featured as a narrative and set of urban practices and positionings. Throughout the afternoon it became clear that the theoretical registers of hustling merited attention. Hustling was not only a street vernacular; it had also become a way for youth to conceptualize their own struggles, politics and agency. Ironically, the BIEA, which hosted our discussion, is located in the leafy ex-colonial neighbourhood of Kileleshwa. Seemingly removed from Nairobi’s familiar sounds and sensory bombardment, we discussed the need to decolonize ethnographic research and theory, guided by our Kenyan colleagues, artists, collaborators and critics in the workshop. Given that the five authors in this special issue are white scholars based at ‘Western’ institutions in the UK, USA and Europe, a brief note regarding our positionality merits mention. Each of us draws from longitudinal research in our respective field sites and shares a commitment to integrating a scholarly reflection on the intense and ongoing engagement with our East African (Kenyan and Ugandan) friends, interlocutors and collaborators. Although we take on the task



在 2017 年 4 月在东非英国研究所 (BIEA) 举办的题为“利用喧嚣”的研讨会上,一群学术研究人员和社区活动家聚在一起讨论了一个在人种学发现和日常生活中产生共鸣的概念:喧嚣. 对于我们在内罗毕工作多年的许多人来说,我们认为真正的“房间里的专家”是我们的肯尼亚对话者,其中许多人已经成为研究合作者和朋友。他们中的大多数人在城市的不同角落生活和工作,但他们有以下共同点:他们在内罗毕出生和长大,他们自称为“骗子”,并在日常生活中实践“喧嚣” . 与我们的朋友和合作者一起,我们反思了每篇论文的经验背景,其中喧嚣是一种叙事以及一系列城市实践和定位。整个下午,很明显,喧嚣的理论记录值得关注。喧嚣不仅是街头白话;它也已成为青年将自己的斗争、政治和能动性概念化的一种方式。具有讽刺意味的是,主办我们讨论的 BIEA 位于 Kileleshwa 绿树成荫的前殖民社区。我们似乎摆脱了内罗毕熟悉的声音和感官轰炸,在研讨会上,我们在肯尼亚同事、艺术家、合作者和评论家的指导下讨论了非殖民化人种学研究和理论的必要性。鉴于本期特刊的五位作者是英国、美国和欧洲“西方”机构的白人学者,关于我们的位置的简短说明值得一提。我们每个人都从各自的实地研究中汲取了纵向研究成果,并共同致力于整合对与我们东非(肯尼亚和乌干达)的朋友、对话者和合作者的密切和持续接触的学术反思。虽然我们承担了任务