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The Political Intricacies of Common Space: A Rancièrian Approach to the “Public Land Grab”, London
Antipode ( IF 4.246 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-17 , DOI: 10.1111/anti.12754
Louis Volont 1 , Tom Dobson 2

The concept of common space has seen revived attention in activist and academic circles. In a collective and non-monetised manner, space-commoners seek participatory control over the urban commonwealth. Lacking, however, within common space research is a deeper understanding of space-commoning’s assumed politicality. Therefore, this article seeks to come to terms with the concept of politics and, subsequently, to highlight commoners’ possibilities and pitfalls on the road towards it. Mobilising Rancière’s lexicon of “police” and “politics”, the Public Land Grab is discussed. This case inverts the capitalist tool of the land grab in order to oppose capital-led development and its intrinsic inequalities. We show how commoners subvert legislation (Localism Act) and functionalisation (of land). We firstly conclude that, when critical and tactical, an engagement with municipal institutions may enhance commoning’s political nature. We secondly conclude that political commoning entails a struggle that is quotidian and continuous rather than momentary and disruptive.


