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Assessment of derailment risk in railway turnouts through quasi-static analysis and dynamic simulation
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-17 , DOI: 10.1177/09544097211024016
Ping Wang 1, 2 , Jun Lai 1, 2 , Tao Liao 1, 2 , Jingmang Xu 1, 2 , Jian Wang 3 , Rong Chen 1, 2

Train derailments in railway switches are becoming more and more common, which have caused serious casualties and economic losses. Most previous studies ignored the derailment mechanism when vehicles pass through the turnout. With this consideration, this work aims to research the 3D derailment coefficient limit and passing performance in turnouts through the quasi-static analysis and multi-body dynamic simulation. The proposed derailment criteria have considered the influence of creep force and wheelset yaw angle. Results show that there are two derailing stages in switch panel, which are climbing the switch rail and stock rail, respectively. The 3D derailment coefficient limit at the region of top width 5 mm to 20 mm is much lower than the main track rail, which shows that wheels are more likely to derail in this area. The curve radius before the switch rail is suggested to be set as 350 m. When the curve radius before turnout is 65 m, the length of the straight line between the curve and turnout needs to be larger than 3 m. This work can provide a good understanding of the derailment limit and give guidance to set safety criteria when vehicles pass through the turnout.



铁路道岔列车脱轨现象越来越普遍,造成了严重的人员伤亡和经济损失。以往的研究大多忽略了车辆通过道岔时的脱轨机制。考虑到这一点,本工作旨在通过准静态分析和多体动力学仿真研究3D脱轨系数限制和道岔通过性能。提出的脱轨标准考虑了蠕变力和轮对偏航角的影响。结果表明,道岔面板存在两个脱轨阶段,分别是攀爬道岔轨和原轨。顶宽5mm~20mm区域的3D脱轨系数限值远低于主轨,说明该区域车轮更容易脱轨。道岔前弯道半径建议设置为350 m。当道岔前弯道半径为65 m时,弯道与道岔之间的直线长度需大于3 m。这项工作可以很好地理解出轨限制,并指导车辆通过道岔时的安全标准。
